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Hey everyone! I just wanted to give a quick update on the next chapter of the Apartment Complex. It's turning out to be a bit longer than the previous chapters which meant that it's taken a bit longer to get out and I ran up against some other work that needed my attention - so all this to say, Chapter 6 will be posted some time this weekend and it's sure to be worth the wait!

I also came up with a plan moving forward so if another chapter gets delayed again I'll have some fun stuff for you to tide you over in the meantime, but otherwise my plan is generally to get out a chapter of Apartment Complex about once a week with some polls and misc AP goodies thrown in in-between. Thank you all for your patience and for all of you who have messaged me sharing your thoughts and interest in the story - Thank you! I love hearing from you guys!

Now before I sign off and get back to aging up Trey, Katie, Erica and all their neighbors I wanted to bring your attention to a phrase that's suddenly becoming very popular. You may remember that last summer (or was it the summer before that? Covid time all blurs together for me now) everyone was talking about it being 'Hot Girl Summer'. Well this year all of the young influencer women are talking about this summer being all about becoming 'Coastal Grandmothers'.

A Coastal Grandmother doesn't need to be a grandmother - or even an older woman. It's actually currently used to describe 20-something and 30-something-year-old women on the internet who want to dress and live the life of a modern-day Diane Keaton character - white linen pants; floppy beach hats; salmon on the grill; walking barefoot on the sand; reading a romance novel on the brick wall of a coastal villa etc. etc.

Well, this seems like a very obvious and easy scenario for us AP fans! Some young perky rosy-cheeked influencers set out to live that #CoastalGrandmother lifestyle (seriously, look it up on any social media you use) and magically end up becoming ACTUAL grandmothers. It practically writes itself.

Anyway I'll write a little short about it in my next Time Skips entry but if the concept inspires any thoughts or ideas that you'd like to see me include please feel free to PM me or put them in the comments!


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