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Does anyone here remember Madlibs? It was a blast to do back in middle school. My friends and I would fill in the blank spaces with as many naughty things as we could come up with. Then we would read them back out loud and burst into fits of laughter even if they weren't funny or if they didn't make any grammatical sense whatsoever.

Anyway, all this to say - I came across a Madlib on an old webpage the other day and had some fun filling it in. It made me think that it could be good for a few laughs if I came up with an AP Madlib for you all. 

Well, I wrote up a little AP Madlib and then went to put it into the same interface that I found on that website - and it broke. Then I googled for other sites that allow you to make your own Madlib - and none of the ones that I found (that worked) allowed you to post a link to it somewhere else (like this Patreon post).

So here's plan B - I hope at least a few of you are up for it. I'll post the series of prompts here (The blanks you would fill in on a Madlibs sheet) and those of you who want to have some fun, post your selections for those words down in the comments. Then in a few days, I'll take all of your suggested words and plug them into the bit that I wrote up and post each of them up on here so we can read them and have a good long laugh!

Here is the list of words I need from you:

  • [Girl's Name]
  • [object]
  • [current age]
  • [number]
  • [adjective]
  • [number]
  • [Verb (past tense)]
  • [length of time]
  • [Exclamation!]
  • [adjective]
  • [color]
  • [adjective]
  • [body part]
  • [verb ending in 'ing']
  • [body part]
  • [verb (past tense)]
  • [adjective]
  • [close relation (family member, significant other, type of friend etc.)]
  • [generic place]



I'll give this a go then! [Madeline] [phone] [23] [42] [tired] [20] [lifted] [decade] [What the hell!] [frail] [grey] [weak] [breasts] [running] [legs] [walked] [dry] [lover] [library]


Thanks for playing! Now I look less like a chump. Anyone else want to join in? I'll post up all of the results sometime this week!