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It's finally here. Update 2.6203 (Caesin), also known as the downtime update. Due to my inability to perform creatively the past month, we have lost a solid two weeks of progress at the minimum, but this release marks the first step towards renewed productivity.

The only content this update adds, is two new options when persuading the dragons in the dungeon, trying to show them something. You can now present Ruby's locket, or the underwear of all three of the dragon siblings collected throughout your adventure. The golden pin segment has already received an ending.

Once again, I must profoundly apologize for my lack of progress in October thus far. I worked my ass off on a to-be-announced project, and pushed my dials a little too hard. This broke me creatively, but I'm slowly starting to glue and duct-tape myself back together. What the project is, I'd be murdered for revealing until my artist finishes up some concept work. Here's a teeny teaser, until then.

A lot of fan art was added along with this update. Seriously. Two new images by Cotton-Paws. One new image by Papaya. One by Fuf (pictured above). Kayla-Na drew Moe! As did joykill. Finally, skeletonkid5 is making a comic of Caesin's Unit 11, a group of kobold legionaries, fighting against the Ten Paw Gang in the forest! The cover art and a single page are done. Cool stuff! Most of it was commissioned by Zeromegas, the owner of the kobold Caesin.

On top of the fan art, one new piece of artwork was added to the game itself, made by TruFezan. I won't tell you where to find it, though. Consider this a scavenger hunt! My trick, your treat.

Anyway, let's not dwell on the past, and instead look towards the future. I don't want to write any more dungeon stuff right now. Let's move on to a different afternoon three segment; or maybe even some more Fenrir stuff. I'll put up a poll tomorrow.

Some other stuff I want to do is on the programmatical side. Two things, mainly First and foremost, I want to rework the lengthy fan art page, to make it more in line with the new gallery UI. Shouldn't be too hard to do. Secondly, I want to rework a small part of scene loading, namely hotloading

Hotloading means to load every scene in the entire game, and then using this hotloaded package so you can play without any loading screens whatsoever. Very few people make use of this feature, so I think I'm going to get rid of it entirely to streamline the compilation process. The game's getting too big to hotload anyway. The only feature relying on hotloading is aStory, and I can just make aStory call the regular load function for every scene that needs to be loaded. Shouldn't be too hard.

Shirts and statuettes for this month will be ordered tomorrow. I sincerely apologize for the delay, but I've really had to pick myself up these past few weeks. That's all I have to say for now. I need another nap. Thank you all for your continued interest in Kobold Adventure, and I hope my insanity will continue to bear fruits in the future. I can't wait to show you that hidden project I've been talking about. I've got plans. Big plans. Desperate plans. Good night.



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