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Update 2.611 (Blood) is now live. It contains much less content than I would have hoped I would be able to add. As per usual when writing these update posts, I am on the verge of passing out. Let's go over a few things real quick.

The main addition is Varanar, Noon Four, the Church. Only three segments of this have been written, detailing Moe entering the church and attending a sermon. I rewrote the sermon completely, since I was not satisfied with the first iteration. I hope the second attempt is a bit less confusing than the first one was.

On top of the church, I have also added the ability to decline joining Tak-Tik's gang during the (currently) singular ending point of looking for Footsie during the boyfriend route. This really should have been in the last update, but I ran out of time.

Anyway, I can feel myself slipping into unconsciousness, so I think I'm going to round up here. I'll make a more detailed post tomorrow, at which point I'll also send out messages to new patrons and update the credits all at once. I also have a new piece of fan art ready to be added, but right now I really don't feel up to it.

That's all I have to say for now. Thank you for your continued interest in Kobold Adventure, and I'll see you tomorrow when hopefully neither of us will be having trouble staying awake.
