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Orange is finally getting her backstory! A bit longer than I'd anticipated it to be, although the final bit is restricted to the NSFW version (which you can find on the character sheets page). Without further ado:


When the most powerful person in the entire world, the Dragon Emperor, was struck down by a mere courtesan, the booming prostitution business in the eastern Dragon Empire changed forever. Suspicion and mistrust drove the wealthiest of clientele away from even the most trustworthy high-class harems. Well-paid whores were now seen as assassins in disguise, waiting for an opportune moment to strike.

With profits dwindling, brothel owners pursued new avenues of income. Some began to offer maid services with benefits, other brothels were converted into inns selling nightly company at a reasonable rate. The entrepreneurs running a few of the more illustrious houses of ill repute, however, saw value in the veil of stereotypes. In secret, they began to train their geishas and oirans to be spies and murderers. In shady backrooms, pricey deals were negotiated, sealing the fates of many unsuspecting victims.

This marked the start of a vicious downwards spiral. The more dead bodies turned up, the less people were interested in the traditional services of naive prostitutes. With fewer clients, more brothels turned to assassination to make ends meet. The misconception that every adult entertainer was a secret agent slowly became a reality. High-class prostitution became a corrupt political tool, rife with backhanded double-crossing and massively bloated bounties on the heads of the most influential figures across the land.

Meanwhile, a new class of prostitutes were on the rise. Lowborn whores were more wanted than ever, by nobility and commoners alike. Due to their disposable and volatile nature, it was highly unlikely that someone would spend the time and effort needed to train a measly serf to become an assassin. And if a slave was given the tools to fight, they would not be a slave for much longer. This all but assured that the more affordable option, was also the safer bet when it came to seeking pleasure in the Dragon Empire.

Due to popular demand, the highest echelons of adult entertainment were gradually phased out in favor of working-class maidens. A wedge was driven between the existing brothels. Some turned into full-blown assassin dens, while others acquired a range of new working girls to cater to their audience's changing tastes. Slave owners, always looking for new ways to profit off of the suffering of their thralls, wanted a piece of the growing pie. They began to rent out their slaves on a day-to-day basis, forcing them to cater to the most wicked and debased whims of the dragons wealthy enough to afford their services.

And that brings us to Xineki, as her parents named her. The kobold daughter of a pair of sex slaves, she was swiftly nicknamed Lily by their elderly owner. The master did not fancy his nicknames going unused, so her real name was all-too-soon lost to time. Born into slavery on the eastern coast of the draconic realm, Lily was never destined to live an easy life. When she was young, her daily routine consisted mostly of intensive manual labor in return for meagre scraps of food. In the evening, her parents were sent off to ply the more adult trades that she was kept sheltered from, for now. They often did not return until morningtime, leaving their child to suffer many lonely nights in the slave pens, with little protection from the maddening whispers of the other desperate serfs.

On the very night he had planned to introduce Lily to the same prostitution business her parents had been serving in for years, the master's ancient, sultry mind suddenly spewed out a bright idea. Earlier that day, he had been approached by a shady fellow looking for a slave trained to kill. But, as he explained to the veiled man, teaching a serf how to wield a blade is a good way to get yourself stabbed. Most slaves had nothing to lose. They would fight to the death for even the slightest chance of attaining freedom. But, or so the old man realized rather late, Lily's case was special. She did have something to lose. Her parents.

During another lonely night, a cart stopped outside of the kobold's slave pen. Her cage was unlocked, and she was torn from her relatively safe confines. Still half asleep, the young slave was thrown into the back of the carriage, and away they rode. Her mind was racing. What was happening?! Had she been sold? Were her parents coming, too? They weren't in the cart. They were coming, right?!

None of these questions would get answered until the break of dawn. The carriage arrived at the next village over. There, her master was already waiting. He explained in small, simple words, that the tiny lizard had been chosen. Instead of becoming a common whore like her mother, she would be trained in the arts of espionage and assassination.

He wanted to shape her into a murderer, mould her into becoming his own personal killer. If she refused, or if she ended up harming him or her handlers in any capacity, then she would never get to see her parents again, and he would ensure they die a horrible, painful death. But if she did as she was told, then she'd be fed, clothed and taught things her parents would never be able to show her.

Lily was left with little choice but to accept. It was on those one-sided terms, that her training begun. To start with, she was given some actual food, instead of the disgusting slop she'd been eating all of her life. Mid-feast, she was taught her first valuable lesson: never to let her guard down. A spilled bowl of rice, and a painful beatdown later, the first day of training ended with her getting knocked out.

The cramped hut the kobold woke up in, was quite the improvement compared to the cage she lived in before. Still, the hard wooden floor wasn't nearly as warm as her parents' loving embrace. The guards posted outside meant escaping was out of the question. For now, at least.

The coming week, a lot of gold was spent to facilitate the little lizard's training. A smuggler taught her how to hide objects of all sizes on and in her body. One of the most famed prostitutes in the entire region introduced her to the fine art of seduction, showed her how to best please a man to lull him into a false sense of security, and taught her a newly invented paralyzing grip. A thief instructed her on the basics of lockpicking and pickpocketing. An acrobat of a travelling circus explained how to climb a rope, and how to best stay out of sight. And a former assassin explained where to sink blades to ensure a swift kill.

After the first seven days, Lily already felt like she was ready for action. But her training had only just began. Her owner had planned for an entire year of rigorous workouts and trial assignments, before she would finally be sent on her first real mission. Alas, it was not meant to be. On the morning of the eighth day of the kobold's coaching, her master failed to show up. The old man later turned up dead under mysterious circumstances.

The report left Lily with a creeping uncertainty at the back of her mind. Part of her was glad that the old bastard was gone. But what would happen to her, now that the person orchestrating her elaborate education was dead? Heck, what would happen to her parents, without their owner?!

Some answers were provided not too long after the news hit, when the same carriage that had brought Lily to the village dropped off a hideous, bloated crossbreed of a man at her hut. The master's son, a slothful lout that hadn't worked a day in his life. With his father's death, it had fallen to him to clean the old man's affairs. And that had led him straight to Lily.


As per usual, I am tired as fuck. I'll post some update progress tomorrow. The images made by TruFezan during the last update had apparently not been added to the game itself, because I forgot to compile after adding them.  That has been rectified. Anyway, good night. See you guys tomorrow. Tell me what you think of the character sheet in the comments down below, and be sure to check out the NSFW version on the website.



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