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The previous poll dictated that the Footsie boyfriend route is next on the table. I will start work on this by potentially revising the concept a little, tomorrow. It will be a multi-update segment, with a small, first part coming somewhere next week. Don't expect a lot of it, but it will be more than nothing.

This month will be a very busy one for me. On top of working on Kobold Adventure, I will be finishing the first three pages of Heavy Scales, Lonesome Roads, setting up a web server for it, releasing it to the public, and if I have the time for it, I will also write up the fourth page, so I can feed the text to an artist for illustrating.

Designing Heavy Scales, Lonesome Roads has not been an easy task. The base design was hard enough to make, but on top of that, I aim to make every page unique in its own way, and that includes a lot of intricate UI work; both time consuming and draining to create, but pretty darn satisfying when it all comes together. 

With the basics down, and a pretty darn fancy first page, I hope the next ones will be a little easier on the technomancy side of things. At the very least, I hope the exceedingly significant amount of effort, care, heart and soul that goes into every single page will be reflected in the final product, and that you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed watching my painstaking labour bear fruit, one intricate line of code at a time.

So yeah, pretty satisfied with how the first page turned out. In between Kobold Adventure brainstorming sessions, I'll be designing the second one tomorrow. The third, which already has a strong visual theme going for it, will have to wait until after the Footsie Boyfriend route's first update.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Kobold Adventure is, and will remain my number one priority project for a long time to come. Work on Heavy Scales, Lonesome Roads will not interrupt the development of the game, in any way, form or shape. At worst, I'll take a day or two off come launch-time, to make sure everything goes over smoothly.

But that'll be a one-off thing. For the rest, work on HSLR will be contained to my sparse few days of break time. And that's pretty much all I have to, and all I need to say for now. Thank you for your continued interest in Kobold Adventure, and I'll see you, during the next kobold biker reunion.


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