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I have been sick for these past few days, but it wasn't a major illness. Just a minor cold. I am slowly starting to feel better, and as such, work on Kobold Adventure has resumed. Despite the small delay, I feel like I can add enough content to justify an update before the end of the month.

First and foremost on the schedule, is implementing a guest-written segment for Varanar, Night Three. After that, if I have time left (I hopefully will), I will finish whatever Breeding Barn Breakin stuff needs finishing, and if I finish that before the end of the month, then you'll get the update sooner than expected!

We'll see how things turn out. Anyway, I'll keep this status update short, and get right back to work. Thank you for your continued interest in Kobold Adventure, and I'll see you during the next kobold travelling circus itinerary roundup.



Get well soon and gain strength, now everyone has a cold, because the weather is so cold...brrr... Get the update ready!