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And here she is. Fenri. Leader of the Furskin Mountain-Crew. Look familiar? Darn straight she does. How does Fenrir end up a woman? Read on and find out.


Fenri Greyfur is the new name of a big, bad wolf after he gets addicted to FemPlus potions, to the point of turning into a woman. The kobold can get captured by Fenrir prior to his transformation, and depending on your actions, he may or may not end up becoming a bitch. During the second day of their enslavement, the captive lizard is offered a choice between taking FemPlus or mPlus, but only if they were cooperative enough up to that point. This seemingly innocuous decision can have dire consequences for Fenrir.

If the kobold picks neither of the gender-bending potions, then nothing changes. If they, however, choose one or the other, then the lupine will keep the remaining vial for himself. He chugs the liquid, and rapidly grows addicted to it. In secret, he buys as much of the stuff as he possibly can, to sate his transformative urge. By the time the caravan arrives at Varanar, his groin has either swollen considerably, or been reduced down to a pathetic size.

By the end of the third day of enslavement, the wolf's transformation will be complete. Fenri is the result of the kobold taking the mPlus potion. A bit less secure about her body than when she was a man, the wolfess is still more than capable of swinging her massive mace around with lethal results. While she remains the Furskin Mountain-Crew's top dog, her underlings will definitely need some time to come to terms with their leader's new appearance. There will be plenty of cruel pranks, crude jokes, and perhaps even some more severe turmoil, before she will be fully accepted by the group.

The remainder of this character sheet details an event from Fenrir's past. Sadly, this event is pretty darn not safe for work, so if you want to read about it, you'll have to switch to the NSFW version of the sheet.


As always, both this sheet and the NSFW version (with a nifty additional story), can be found on the character sheets page, I will additionally be posting the NSFW art for patrons only, in just a little bit. 

On top of the character sheet, a few typo- and bugfixes have been pushed for morning four, and the scroll bar on Firefox should now be a bit prettier than before. That's all I have to say, for now. Poll for the next character sheet will go up later this month. Thank you for your continued interest in Kobold Adventure, I hope you like the character sheet. Tahtah!




Thanks for the description of the character and what happens to him day by day, we will follow the work.


What a very unpleasant surprise. That...ruins is too strong a word, but it 𝘯𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘴 my favourite route so far. I've absolutely no interest in dominating a woman (not that there's anything wrong with that!). I didn't like that Fenrir's dick got smaller, but I figured it was kinda metaphorical, not that he was turning into a woman XD I was so enjoying my tiny kobold dominating a big strong virile male... Now if I go that way I can't make Fenrir cum on Night Two, which is disappointing and also rather inconsiderate! I wish the trigger might be something else, and more of a deliberate choice on the part of the player - if the player 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴 giant-titted Fenri, then they can make it happen. As it stands it's a kind of nasty bait-and-switch, and that ain't cricket. Having said that, I'll say now that I've been following KA for over a year now, and so far this has been the only thing I could complain about. You're doing a great job, and it's a really fun game!


You can still make Fenrir cum if you give him a reacharound when you did not take the mPlus. Besides, if you spoon with him during night two, then it is highly likely you will get a say in whether or not he ultimately goes through with the transformation in the end. If you are bad or neutral, your opinion doesn't matter to him (although you might be able to bully him a bit). If you are good, he will care about what you have to say on the matter, and he can go back to being a big boy before the end of day three. That's the plan, at least. I hope this explanation makes it a little more tolerable of a pill to swallow! Sorry you don't like it; but it's *supposed* to be a curve ball, showcasing one of the central themes of the meta-narrative: how your choices, even the most seemingly mundane ones, can change the world around you.


I like the idea of making Fenrir smaller and more submissive, but not to the point where he becomes a woman. Will there be an option in the future where you can stop Fenrir from drinking the final potion that turns him female? So he can stay cute and small while still being male.


I've been toying in my head with four states for Fenrir to be in. Female, male but emasculated, default male, and overly hung male. I don't know yet if I'll be able to implement this, or if I'd rather stick to three states (male, female, big male). We'll see.