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At long last, here is Emeraude's character sheet. As mentioned before, it's a lot smaller text-wise than the previous sheets. It's slightly later than usual, mostly because Sneaky wasn't feeling well, and needed some rest before finishing the drawing. I hope you guys will agree with us, that the end result was more than worth the wait.

After finishing the writing, I spent my remaining time thinking about a few things, hashing out some plot points. I have not yet reworked the menu to include the store, nor have I fixed the store's font. That will have to wait until the next update. I do have a secret project in the works. Something related to Kobold Adventure, which you guys might like a lot. More on this later.

Anyway, without further ado, here is Emeraude's storyline. Keep in mind that you can read both this version, and the NSFW version on the character sheets page, where you can also find the NSFW artwork.



Emeraude is the youngest child of king Onyx, the ruler of the western draconic kingdom. As the firstborn son, the young dragon is the rightful heir to his father's realm, despite having two older sisters. This does not sit well with the black-scaled monarch, who had groomed his oldest daughter, Saphira, to succeed him. Feeling threatened by the younger male, the patriarch has gone through extreme lengths, to ensure that his son will never grow strong enough to usurp the throne.

Emeraude's birth was a cause for great celebration for the king and his queen. Dragons are notoriously infertile, so for a royal couple to sire not one, but three successors, was an extraordinary feat in its own right. Still, after having spent years ensuring his favorite daughter would be fit to rule, the news that his latest child was a boy, and the implications that the baby's gender brought with, had the ruler predisposed against his own kin from the very start.

From a young age onwards, the dragon prince was secretly fed a constant supply of the feminizing agent known as FemPlus. The alchemically brewed liquid was poured into his bathwater, slipped into his food, and added to his drinks. His father was intent on turning him into a girl, so his older sister could claim the throne still. But, while having a visible effect on the boy's physique, the dosage simply wasn't enough to make him switch genders altogether. Thus, Emeraude grew up to be a weak, effeminate male, more soft than burly, with a curvy body that could easily be mistaken for that of a woman, were it not for his flat chest.

When Saphira was found fooling around with her sister, the favored sibling was sent away to Varanar. Onyx spent more time with Ruby, to steer her onto the right path, keeping her company day-in, day-out, for an entire week on end, until she grew addicted to his presence. As his daughter turned out alright, an idea emerged in the king's mind. He could do the same to his girly son. Grow a bond with the boy, to prevent him from ever wanting to usurp the throne in the first place.

For the first time in his life, Emeraude was showered in attention, not by the many nurses and nannies, but by his big, hunky father, who walked him around town, showing him everything there was to see. But instead of letting his son take care of his own problems, the king was exceedingly overbearing, humiliating the growing prince more than once. The small lizard quickly grew to hate going on walks with his father. But, even against his will, he was forced to accompany the older dragon. During each outing, he was further humiliated and degraded, treated like a baby in public, in front of his future subjects.

Unlike his sister, the green-scaled dragon hated every minute of time spent with his patriarch. Emeraude didn't want this. He didn't want to be some coddled daddy's boy that never got his hands dirty. He wanted to be a man, worthy of succeeding his father. But what the heir wanted, didn't matter one bit. The king's mind was made up. And over time, even Diamonde, the queen, grew convinced that her husband spending more time with her one and only son was beneficial for the family.

The lasting effects of the malicious substances the prince was made to take, were rapidly starting to stack. His body was changing, growing more curvaceous and lithe. Were these changes permanent? Or would they fade, after some time without taking FemPlus? Was there a way to revert them, perhaps? The boy was uncertain. The only thing he know for sure, was that he'd never find out by staying at the palace. He had to leave. To flee. To vanish into the night, and never look back.

The green-scaled dragon would never relent to becoming a girl, so his sister could ascend the throne. He was the prince of this land, and after the old man kicked the bucket, he would come to rule, no matter how much his family wanted Saphira to. He would not be denied his place, as the lawful successor of the west draconic kingdom. But in order to retain the last remnants of his masculinity, he had to flee. A few months more, and his transformation would be complete, forfeiting his chance at the throne.

An opportunity for escape presented itself, in the form of Saphira returning from the human capital. For reasons unknown to him, the boy's sister was gathering a contingent of knights, with which to return to human lands. With their parents out of town, it was perfect timing. Emeraude snuck out of the palace, and bartered away a few family heirlooms in return for a horse and an old, rusty set of armor. Disguising himself as a knight, he joined the convoy to Varanar City, hoping to escape his father's grasp.


I'll be putting up a poll on what to do next in a little bit. And that's pretty much all I have to say for now. Thank you for your continued interest in Kobold Adventure, and I'll see you on the next 




Damn that's a good story :D