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Update 2.535 (Pollution), better known as the Forest to Varanar, part two-two update, is now live. It entails the remainder of the first half of interactions possible, during the second part of the kobold's trip to Varanar, as well as connecting the sewer part to the Varanar storyline.

So yeah, four new segments, plus the Varanar connection! I'd say that's a pretty successful week of development. The entire foot-first half of the sewers is done for now, and along with it, all "no more content beyond this point" parts before the actual endings of the three major branches have been resolved!

I feel a little burned out on the sewer segment for now, so we'll be doing something different next. What exactly that'll be, I'll let you guys decide in a poll tomorrow. Maybe some more enslavement stuff, since you all like Fenrir so much. We'll see.

Shirts for this month will also be ordered tomorrow. On the topic of patreon rewards, if I ever forget to put any of you on the credits page, or if I mistakenly forget to link your avatar to your tile, please do tell me about it! I maintain the credits page manually, and since I'm only human (after all), I'm prone to mess up every now and again! I do apologize if something like this happens to you. I can assure you, that I'm trying my hardest.

Anyway, this week I will spend writing Green's backstory. Green has been voted to be this month's character sheet, and I already have a decent idea on what I want to do with him. His story might hit close to home for some of you, and if I can get even one person to feel sorry for the poor half-bold, then I'll have done a decent job.

Once Green is done, work will proceed on whatever you guys'll pick tomorrow. And that's pretty much all I have to say for now! Thank you for your continued interest in Kobold Adventure. Enjoy the new content, and I'll see you later this week, during a new instructional video on how to write overly dramatic backstories for tiny lizards.



Hyped for Green's backstory. I always look forward to the Character sheets!