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I am currently working on Rolande's character sheet, but sadly it may be a day or perhaps even two late. I started writing for him about two days ago, but frankly I have no idea what to make of his backstory. I might just pad it out with a bit of history on dragons themselves. We'll see!

On top of not really knowing where to take his storyline, I had to take care of some financial business yesterday. Government bureaucracy and stuff. Because nothing can ever be simple where I live. Thank goodness it's mostly over with now.

Forest to Varanar, Part Two, has won the latest poll. I've got some pretty interesting things planned for this route, but be aware that there might be some more red buttons in it. The people amongst you who have seen the farmer's maid route will know what this means. Don't click those unless you are very certain you want to see what they entail.

Anyway, I'm going to keep this short, so I can get back to work. Character sheet tomorrow, or the day after that; and then work on Forest -> Varanar will begin. I apologize for the delay, but I assure you that Forest -> Varanar will be worth the wait. And that's all for now, folks. Thank you for your continued interest in Kobold Adventure, and see you in a day or two!



The constant updates sure put my mind at ease ;} good day to you my friend!


Keep up with the amazing work! And dont worry about Rolande. You dont need to force yourself to make a backstory if you dont have anything in mind at the moment.


Don't you worry, I've come up with something suitable. It's more about his dad than it is about him, but it works!