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With all three of the polls coming to a close, it's time to wrap them up, and explain what'll be happening from now until around Christmas time. I'll also be answering a few select questions from the survey. Anyway, let's begin with  the polls.

Sneaky's poll had one clear result: draw more enslavement. With all the foot and butt stuff in afternoon two, he was glad to oblige. He'll be getting right on that as soon as Ruby's character sheet is done. Speaking of which, I'll be writing her backstory tomorrow, or the day after that. I've got some nice concepts stored away for her, some of which I'm sure you'll end up liking! Don't expect a story as long as Fenrir's, though. She isn't that old.

The poll for what I was going to be doing next, ended in a tie. This was resolved by a mini-poll which ended in a majority vote for Enslavement, Night Two! A continuation of the bathtub scene, is thus what will be made next. It's night-time, and the kobold is looking for a place to sleep. As before, only Fenrir's route will be fully fleshed out.

I don't know yet how long this scene will take to make, but combined with writing Ruby's backstory, it'll certainly keep me busy until approximately Christmas. While I may take a day off to stuff my face full of food, rest assured that work on Kobold Adventure will continue throughout the final week of the year, and of course, during the onset of 2019.

After Enslavement, Night Two is finished, we'll see what we do next. Either I'll move on to Varanar, Night Three, or I'll implement a guest-written scene, if it's done by then; or we'll vote on something to do next together! Whatever we end up picking, I'm sure it'll be plenty interesting! Slowly, but surely, we're getting to the good parts of the game. Not that the stuff thus far hasn't been good, but a few of the things I have in store for Moe are pretty darn spicy!

Let's move on to the survey. Some things that are immediately noticeable, is that people are finally becoming aware that there is, in fact, a menu button. Almost ninety-five per cent of people responding to the poll claimed to know there is a menu button, and more than ninety percent says they've clicked it. These are some great results, when compared to half a year ago, when nobody knew that the menu existed. Either word got out, or me mentioning it in the title screen helped a lot!

Similarly, aMap and the settings and the other features are also surprisingly well-used nowadays. Looks like all the time I spent making these features didn't go to waste, after all! I'm proud of you guys. I thought I'd be stuck referring people to the menu button all the way through 2019!

Who is the Three-Tailed Rat? A lot of you seemed to think it wasn't any of the people I listed. I can't say whether the majority is right or wrong; but know that the enigmatic rodent will be making an appearance in one of the days yet to come. Will he be who you think he is? Stick around, and find out! Only time will tell.

Onto the comments. I won't be going through all of them (there were sixty-seven in total for me, and sixty for Sneaky), but I'll cherry-pick a few to reply to! If I don't end up answering yours, feel free to contact me on Steam or on Discord, and I'll gladly give you your answer first-hand! Note that I'm answering Sneaky's questions myself, since he's asleep right now. He got to read each and every one of your comments, though. Anyway, without further ado:

 ------------------------------------------------  My questions

Q: When is more deepwoods content coming?

A: A new guest-writer is concerning himself with deepwoods stuff. I reckon it'll be ready in time for implementation sometime in January. Maybe earlier! 

Q: Will there be more M/M content in the city?

A: Yes. A lot more. Some as early as Night Three!

Q: Will there be more kobold on kobold content?

A: Yes. Night Three.

Q: Non-traditional torture, in a sexual way?

A: I'll think about it! Chastity belts are not something that can be done, however. That'd mean I'd have to write every sex scene twice. Once with chastity belt, once without. So outside of end-scenes, I don't see that happening.

Q: Why do you use [b]old so much?

A: Because I like putting some punch behind what I write. Bold and italic text are often an expression of how I feel when writing something. I don't even know if that makes much sense, but that's the best way I can describe it as.

Q: Impregnation?

A: Yes, but only in end-scenes. By who remains to be seen. Mechanics for impregnation by various encounters throughout the game are possible, but definitely not for every ending.

Q: Can I support you without donating?

A: Of course! You can write scenes you'd like to see, draw (fan)art that may or may not make it into the game, or just tell your (preferably not real-life) friends about Kobold Adventure! I do need food and a place to stay, though, so if you can spare even a dollar, that'd be very much so appreciated!

Q: What choices would Moe pick in the game?

A: Moe wouldn't play Kobold Adventure. It'd trigger their PTSD by reminding them of the horrible things they've been through.

Q: Please get social media.

A: I'm sorry, but I don't like social media. You can follow updates on the Discord, if you'd prefer! Patreon also has a follow function, in case you want to get notified about updates and posts without spending money.

Q: More Ruby / Rolande / Cassidy!

A: All in due time, although I think I need a bit more of a break before working on Ruby again. Maybe somewhere in 2019!

Q: [Nice things]

A: Why thank you!! I really don't deserve praise, but I'll take it nonetheless! I'm a terrible person. You should find someone better to be nice to.

  ------------------------------------------------  Sneaky's questions

Q: Who is Sneaky?

A: Kobold Adventure's main artist. You may remember him from such hit-pieces as Fenrir's character sheet, Cassidy's farm and the Forest Bandit encounter!

Q: You're better than this loser.

A: Yes he is!

Q: Draw Ruby please.

A: Her character sheet will be done in a couple of days.

Q: [Nice things]

A: Now here's someone who deserves your praise!


Thank you all for the survey-responses; they were really eye-opening and flattering! At the end of this week, or maybe the start of next week I'll probably be giving you guys a look into the creation progress of a scene in Kobold Adventure, and there's also Ruby's character sheet coming in a few days to look forward to. For the rest, I'll have a more accurate ETA for Enslavement, Night Two, and a first glimpse of what that scene will entail.

That's all for now!  See you guys next time, for some more exciting office-gossip around the koboldcooler.