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Everything's well on track. The update will release somewhere between Friday and Sunday, depending on how much extra content I ultimately want to try to cram in.

The first half of the Enslavement, Noon Two update will have you interact with Fenrir. How you choose to act here might have a major effect on the rest of the route. 

How well or how poorly you've already conducted yourself during Night One, in turn, greatly alters this scene. There's two broad paths with major differences between one another, and then further subtle differences between having behaved well, and having refused to cooperate.

It's pretty hard to explain all of the factors involved in how you'll get one route or the other. In Night One, a goodness score was determined, depending on how well the kobold behaved. This is an aggregate of all decisions taken.

For example: you can have refused to tell the caravan master your name, but if you were totally compliant otherwise, you'll still probably encounter the good route.

Furthermore, the choices you pick in this first half of the update, combined with your previous behavior, will determine the potential outcomes of Enslavement, Noon Two.

Of course, in true Choose Your Own Adventure style, you will have the last say on what actually ends up happening. Acting out one way or the other will only increase the number of options available to you.



This is something that Fenoxo never had. This level of detail in the choose your own adventure games. For me, Fenoxo's games always ended up as a grind fest at the start to get 100 in the four major stats (for CoC) or just power level using the first planet and not bothering with the quests until I could blindly win everything (for TiTS). It felt too much like a game and less like a story. So again, I appreciate what you're doing here