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Update 2.225 (Big), better known as the Cave, Surprise update, is now live. It contains some more consensual interactions between you and the basilisk, which require a new item in Seki's store in order to reach: the small mirror.

While most of the content available is, admittedly, slightly altered versions of already present routes, there is one completely new and unique interaction which I feel will be well-liked.

The content of this patch was generously guest-written by Tokage, who you may remember from other scenes such as tea time with Cassidy, and the disgustingly consensual encounter in Varanar, Morning Three.

Note that because a shop's available items are save-stored, you must load a save prior to the store menu in Seki's shop, if you want to buy the new item needed to access the new content.

I originally set out to simply add some music to scenes that had none yet, but thanks to this sudden mini-update, I did not quite accomplish that goal.  I hope you can understand that I had to make a choice between more content and adding music, and I felt like the former was the better option to pick. No worries, I'll continue browsing for suitable background tracks in the future!

The latest poll has come to an end, and Enslavement, Noon Two has won as the next scene I'll be creating. Oddly enough, the votes were tied 8-8 just one day before the end of the poll, but then suddenly turned 9-7 as someone had a last-minute change of heart.

Swell! Sneaky wanted to see this path the most, so I'm not complaining! I even cast my own vote in favor of it (although I was not the person to have a change of heart, I cast my vote very early).

Shirts will be sent out early next month, to the new Noble-tier patrons. I'd like to extend a special thanks to each and every one of you, although all my patrons, and indeed all my fans are precious to me.

Well, that's all for now. I hope you'll like the new content. Feel free to shoot me some comments through any of the available channels of communication, or just in the comment section of this very post! Any feedback is appreciated.

Finally, since the cave scene is now fully finished, you can find an overview of it in the scene tree below. Note that you can also find this scene tree in the aMap feature of Kobold Adventure, reachable via the menu in the bottom left corner.

Thank you for tuning in to KobCast, your weekly kobold violating podcast! We hope to see you again next week, for less lovey-dovey fun times. Like, comment and subscribe, and you might just be the lucky winner of our petrified basilisk dong dildo giveaway!


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