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Update 2.215 (Devolution), better known as the Missing Cave Content update, is now live. It contains only a single fragment, which is the [Hate it] route after getting petrified.

Like the enjoying path, it has four variations, depending on your gender and whether or not you're wearing anything that covers your rear or your groin. No new downloadable package was package was made for this mini-update. This content was cut from the Evolution update, and I promised to release it after the poll ended, so here it is! 

Speaking of the latest poll, finishing the cave won with a smashing majority of votes. Since the cave is already scaffolded, in theory, I should only have to do a metric fuckton of writing and nothing else. I don't know how long this is going to take. Hopefully less than two weeks. Work will commence within the next few days.

While I typically don't address patrons in these updates, I'm afraid I'm going to have to make an exception, for just this once. Chris D., if you are reading this post, please contact me on Patreon or via mail or on Discord or on Steam. I've sent you two Patreon-messages and an email, but you have yet to respond to either of them. If you don't tell me what shirt size you want by the end of the month, I'm going to send you a large, and hope it'll fit.

That's all for now. I'm very tired, and I'm going to go to bed. I hope the update didn't break anything. There might be typos and stuff left in the new fragment, but those'll have to wait for tomorrow. As always, thank you for your continued support, for your interest in the project, and for your purchase of a brand spankin' new Kobold Kar, the world's first vehicle powered by how hard you can whip it. But don't whip too hard, or you might end up killing the engine.



Question on the Kobold Kar: Does it come with built in entertainment?