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Update 2.21 (Evolution), better known as the Post-Well update, is now live. It contains part of the events that transpire after the kobold gets forced into a dark, submerged tunnel that leads into the unknown.

While I would like to divulge on the contents of this update, which have been kept secret until now, I feel like it would be better for you to play the game and explore what happens after the well collapses on your own. Needless to say, in order to reach the new scene, you need to go down into the well at the hamlet, without climbing up again. If you want to spoil yourself, there's a scene tree below (and in aMap, of course).

Sadly, I was not able to finish all of the content that was planned for this update. A single fragment, in which the kobolds hates a particular event that transpires instead of loving it remains unwritten. While I run another poll to decide on what the next major update should contain, I will work on this cut content, and hopefully I'll be able to add it before starting the next big endeavour.

The new scene is probably riddled with typos. I'll be honest: I didn't properly proofread it this time around. Feel free to report any spelling or grammatical errors that you may encounter. I, of course, hope there aren't that many.

Besides the single left-out fragment, there is still an entire branch of choices of the scene past the well that require detailing. This branch has already been scaffolded. It will be one of the options in the poll.

This past week has been a very emotional one for me. Thankfully, I can say with lifted head that everything turned out alright. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that things are slightly better now than they were before. What exactly transpired, I will not divulge, but suffice to say that I've never felt more happy in my entire life than these past few days.

That's all for now. Thank you for tuning in to this week's radio broadcast, brought to you by Spray&Away, a miracle-working kobold repellent scientifically proven to reduce break-ins by approximately 75%! Next week, we'll discuss how Spray&Away can help you through the recent spree of kobold-related burglaries without losing your head!


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