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Update 2.19 (Shallowwoods), better known as the save file exporting update, is now live. It brings with it a host of programmatical improvements, as well as a tiny smidgen of content in the form of the Deepwoods linking back to the Home scene.

First and foremost, it is now possible to export saves to files, and to then import those files again. You can export single saves, or all of them at once as you please. In order to import them, all you need to do is hit the import button and select the exported file.

This means you can now share saves with one another, you can take a look inside of the files to take a peek behind the curtains, you can transfer saves between devices,  and you can make backups of your progress just in case your browser storage gets wiped.

Exporting is done via the save menu. Importing is done via the load menu. Ontop of clicking the import button and selecting the save files to add, you can also drag and drop files into the list. It's all pretty fancy.

Ontop of save file exporting, a pair of new options have been added to the settings menu. These options control the scrolling behavior of the game when loading saved games.

Starting from this version onwards, savegames store how far down the scene you had scrolled when making the save. Via these new options, you can configure Kobold Adventure to automatically scroll down to where you last left off.

Alternatively, you can just make it always scroll to the bottom when loading saves. This makes it so you don't have to worry about what exactly your scroll level is at when saving your game.

Scrolling on load is a feature that has been requested many times, but it just wasn't possible code-wise until a few changes I made not too long ago. I hope you guys like it.

While Kobold Adventure is not and will never be a mobile game, a few crucial fixes have been made to ensure the menu doesn't break everything when viewed on low-resolution screens.

A bunch of other things have been fixed and improved, but I can't quite seem to recall everything I did. Oh well, suffice to say, the game has been made better in a couple of ways.

Ontop of these programmatical improvements, the intro of the deepwoods has been added. You can't really do much there except for cycle back to the home scene, but I thought it was a worthwhile thing to add.

Those amongst you who chose to go after the sweater can now resume their story proper, without having to wait for more deepwoods content. A poll determining what to make next will be made later today. I'll be deciding on the new patron tiers until the time said poll ends.

That's all for now. Thank you for your continued interest in Kobold Adventure. I hope I'll be seeing you again during next week's sermon. Your heathen soul can yet be saved. The power of Moe compels you!


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