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Scaffolding on the new update has been completed. Writing begins tomorrow. I expect the update to be finished somewhere between Wednesday and Friday. I'm not feeling so good, hence the extra couple of days in case I get sick or something.

On another note, I am still looking for rewards to hand out for potential new fifteen and twenty dollar Patreon tiers. Sadly, I don't have much to offer. Heck, I only barely throw a bone to the Elves every now and again, although the amount of kinks I can put up to vote will be increasing once we get a little deeper into any of the storylines.

Basically, I want to offer you guys something, but I have no clue what I should be offering you. I don't want to go the road of "pay me to have your OC in the game", as I believe that would compromise the integrity of the story as a whole. Walking into a tavern and getting a bunch of descriptions of random people would kind of break the immersion.

Having Sneaky draw sketches for people is also not a very viable option, I believe. He'll probably disagree, but in my opinion, he already has more than plenty to work on, and his workload will only increase the more is added to the story.

So, I am asking you, my adored fans, and catalysts of my work: what can I provide that would interest you, and other potential patrons in return for your gracious contributions, without risking the wholesomeness of Kobold Adventure? Fill out the following open-ended, three-question form, if you have a minute or two. Your thoughts and ideas are needed moreso than ever! 


P.S.: I am well aware that what this issue ultimately comes down to is that I am far too protective of Making a Kobold Cry: The Adventure, and while I will not divulge on whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I doubt it'll change any time soon. Thank you for understanding. 



Honestly I'm hoping you don't try to over work yourself to please the patrons.


I don't think you're any overprotective. Letting other people dictate what's in the story and getting their characters in it is all very well, but there's also nothing wrong with just keeping it entirely your thing. You could probably throw together some kind of a Hall of Miscreants thing where you could throw all the OCs in, though - out of the way of the story itself. I mean I'm not saying you should, just that it's a possibility.