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Update 2.17, better known as the audio update, is now live. It features no new content, but a host of improvements and additions to the game have been made.

The most notable new feature is the inclusion of a sound framework. While disabled by default, you can enable audio via the settings menu. Standard volume levels are 50 across the board, but I recommend setting the master volume level to 100, so you don't have to crank up your PC volume.

Royalty free sounds from https://freesound.org/  have been added to tab buttons, the menu button, the title screen, the introduction, the deepwoods (but not the forest), home both saved and unsaved, Seki's workshop, Varanar night two (just the encounter) and Varanar, morning three (just a single effect, if I recall).

If you want to see who made these, and maybe check out some of their other works, you can find them all listed in the credits of Kobold Adventure. Speaking of which, the contribution part of the credits has been moved to its own page, now accessible via the menu. The fan art page, too, has been added to the menu.

Most of the programming work behind the lockpicking minigame has been completed. The minigame itself is not yet featured in the game, but once the art assets for it have been completed, it can be included when needed.

Speaking of art assets, earlier today I accidentally posted one of Sneaky's works on a place that shall not be mentioned here. If he's reading this: I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I really didn't mean to.

With the programming week over, work will begin on the Enslavement route, night one, as voted for by Human and Elf-tier patrons. It was a close call between this and the well, with a difference of only one vote!

I'll probably make a survey for feedback on the audio somewhere next month, but in case you want to share your opinion prematurely, feel free to comment on this post, or contact me via any of the means provided on the title page of the game. I did what I could with the sounds I had access to. I hope they bring extra value to the game.

Should opinions be mostly positive, I will continue to add audio where appropriate. I doubt the game will ever end up having background music althroughout, but if it does, all the better, right?

If you're a sound artist, and you wish to have your work featured in the game, or if you just have insights to share with a tonedeaf moron like myself, all help is appreciated!

That's all for now. As always: thank you for tuning in to Kobold Adventure News (KAN). Remember: I kan, you kan, we all kan. See you on the flipside!



The hills are alive with the Sound of Music...