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Update 2.11 (Pitchfork) is now live. It contains the stealing-oriented route of the Farmer's House, along with some improvements made to the overall structure of the code (boring stuff).

You can reach the Farmer's House by choosing to go there at the center of the Hamlet (after Seki's Workshop). Right now, only the stealing route is available. It's a rather short segment, but there's some interesting new items that can be found laying around. Due to the brevity of the scene, no overview will be provided just yet.

The first update of 2018 will contain the second half of this scene, which will have the kobold confront the person they encounter. That shouldn't take too long to make, seeing as it's already fully scaffolded

Ontop of this confrontation-centric scene fragment, the first update of 2018 will also contain extra possibilities for the tea-drinking scene with Cassidy, courtesy of the first accepted contributor of Kobold Adventure: Tokage.

After the first update of 2018, I'll be taking a week to work on a secret new feature I have yet to announce. If I can get some technical difficulties out of the way, this could lead to some interesting results. More on this later.

Ontop of this new feature, the second update of 2018 will also contain some revisions based on feedback provided in the survey. If you haven't given your opinion yet, be sure to do so now!

Sneaky was very overwhelmed reading all of your comments. They were the kindest things anyone had said to him in months! He received three lashes for every second he dared to smile. He sleeps on his belly now. Keep the gentle words coming! My whipping arm could use some more exercise.

That's all for now, folks. Thank you for all your feedback, for all your support throughout the year, and for your continued interest in Kobold Adventure. See you next year, for more trials, tribulations, hardships and failures.