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thinkin' to myself, hey, i feel like might've had an unused strip from around here, and lo, I had

Here we see Joyce dither on announcing her atheism, followed by her mom expressing some extremely Fundamentalist Evangelical anti-semitism.  You see, everything we learned about Jewish folks was within the narrow parameters of (our translations of) the Old and New Testament, and the fact that there's, been, like, 2000 years of history since then is entirely lost on us.  All our shitty disses are based on half-formed, outdated information that we've specifically curated.

And then Joyce (via the cartoonist) was kind of a little gentile know-it-all about it, which I wasn't sure I liked, and then she allowed Joe to unhinge his jaw about it, which was fine, but I'd rather Joe have lost his cool over divorce in general.  I think it'd be a better character moment if it's about him attempting to be a boyfriend for the first time.  Also, I think it's funnier (and more real) if it's not an outburst pre-approved by Joyce.

This visit should be about Joe wrapping his head around undealt-with feelings, not him being compelled to react to Carol's dumb bigotry.  So we got this instead:




definitely a change for the better, I think


although we did miss what looks like some top shelf joyce embarrassment


I think the strip flows better without this strip but I do love Joyce trying to correct Carol


Friends of mine who like you (DW) have climbed out of that world tend to argue about such things in a rather narrow way, where the only people who would even understand their objections to the culture were from that culture themselves. For myself looking on as a complete outsider to Christianity, it's a very off-putting discussion. The choices are Christian or not-Christian, without invoking true atheism, which is a very broad thing. "Atheism" in such circles becomes a catch-all phrase for "I don't believe that shit" since no one in that bubble has the perspective to comment from any other viewpoint. I acknowledge the need for newly-minted non-Christian to draw the brightest possible line between themselves and their fundie past. I just hope that we see Joyce confronted with the vacuum that creates, and some sort of growth from simple non-Christian to true atheist, or whatever other direction she goes. As far as this instance goes, it would have been thoroughly realistic for Joyce to get into one of those sorts arguments with her mom, leaving Joe rather helplessly looking on. Maybe it would have been bad for the comic flow, but I've been there many times.


Joyce is so cute as a sketch. Now I want to see her with bangs.


The autobiographical details make me feel really sad for young Mr. Willis. I'm grateful that you're sharing it with everyone.


As a mostly lapsed Jew with a degree in Religious Studies, I love that Joyce knows things like when burnt offerings fell out of practice. Also Joe characterizing church content as misheard/misspoken regurgitations of Jewish thought is very good. The strip you went with is ultimately better but the unused one feels narrowcasted to me specifically.

Sibre Collard

I think it was the right call. I love Joe a little more now for saying what needed to be said, even without permission.