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It's been a bit since we've checked in on the Dumbing of Age Book 12 Kickstarter, so let's do a previously-on round-up:

We've unlocked

- FREE WALKY magnets for everyone who pledges for tangible goods

- HALLOWEEN JOYCE and HALLOWEEN DOROTHY magnets, which you can pledge for separately or as a set

- DERBY MARCIE magnets

- EMO ETHAN magnets

You can pledge for any of these character magnets to be tucked into your doodled/autographed book separately, do PICK THREE or PICK FIVE MAGNETS to curate a set, or go all-in for COMPLETE MAGNET POWER!  But no matter what you choose, you get that Walky magnet.

Next up is unlocking the RUTH MAGNET tier by reaching $50k!  Pledge today! 




The description for Halloween Joyce ('...and also is in a Rapunzel costume') is outstanding.