Live Stream VOD: SmokeLoader Analysis Part 1 - Deobfuscation (Patreon)
2022-09-03 04:14:02
This is our first look at SmokeLoader, we begin with analysis of Stage 2 (unpacked automatically). The binary is obfuscated using a mixture of simple opaque predicates, and encrypted functions that are decrypted on the fly.
Honestly, this is a very slow paced stream. We do make progress and end up with a binary that is fully deobfuscated but there are many tricks still before we can extract Stage 3! You can skip ahead about 2h to get to the real deobuscation work.
- Packed parent cef4f5f561b5c481c67e0a9a3dd751d18d696b61c7a5dab5ebb29535093741b4
- Unpacked SmokeLoader 041a05dd902a55029449bf412cedbe59a593f8d4e67d4ae37cf7a928c92f22ca