Live Stream VOD: Follow-Up On STL C++ Reversing Mistakes (Patreon)
In this Twitch stream we follow-up on some issues we had reversing C++ STL types our last stream. We are forever grateful to Rolf for the help!
Sample: 7d47e5871efc4c079531513f29926d394922d7954701f34dc6244ea311d20969
We received a lot of help from Rolf of Möbius Strip Reverse Engineering. He helped us understand some of the STL type information and after the stream he created a marked-up IDB that can be used as a reference for this binary.
We are very grateful to Rolf, and would encourage anyone who is interested in advanced reverse engineering courses to check out his courses!
Rolf IDB: polyglot.idb
Rolf STL Types script:
For those who have older versions of IDA I have attached an IDC script that can be used to create most of the mark-down from Rolf's IDB.