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Hey all! It's been a slow couple of months.

I've had my hands pretty full over the last few months trying to keep up with independent commissions that I took in early March, and by no one else's fault but my own, i've been too slow to get them done, and am only just now getting the last few finalised.

Because of that, i've been neglecting Patreon a little bit, and haven't been able to get some patrons' monthly commissions done on time. For that, i'm super sorry, it's completely my own fault and i'm absolutely gonna make sure that it doesn't happen again. To make sure of that, i'm going to be doing a "pause" next month, and won't be taking new commissions in July.

I'm gonna be doing this because i've been running on fumes since April now, and i'd like a bit of time to just wind down and get things done without a deadline looming over my shoulder all the time.

So in July, my Patreon will remain active, however for people pledging tiers that offer monthly-commissions I unfortunately won't be taking any. For those that were hoping to redeem their monthly reward, i'll be offering a full refund after the 5th of July, after pledges are forwarded to me. For those that aren't pledging either of these tiers, business will be continuing as usual.

Things will hopefully be picking back up in the next few months, stay safe!


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