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  Apologies for being quite for so long. I've got some health problems which interfere with my work, hopefully I'll manage to get better in time, but for now I need a lot to catch up with. 

  So, as I already told you before, v0.16.2 content is ready (we added a bit more stuff in it though), we keep writing the dialogues. I'd say we are near 50% done.

  As for v0.16.3 update, I chose to work on Alice's content. I'll do my best to make ALL of her content so that we could finally cross her out (well, ofc she'll appear in more scenes, but that won't be as valuable as her own scenes. 

Changelog (not final):

  • Skylar main story continuation
  • Jennifer's art club rerendered (and a couple of other scenes)
  • New Rule34 content
  • Minor improvements
  • 471 images (+21 extra scene images), 6 animations (+1 extra scene animation), 18 animations remade




Take a good care of your health and get well soon :)