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  Hey guys. I'm very sorry it's taking us so much time to finsh the update. As of now, I'm testing the build, there are things to fix. The update is going to come out this week or never (alright, I'm kidding. But seriously, this week). 

  About good things now. I finished working on the content for v0.15.1a (yes, the update next to v0.15.1 is going to be v0.15.1a. That update is going to finish what we started in v0.15.1 - you'll finally be able to get rid of, most probably, the most hated character of the game). As well as testing the build, I'm focused on writing events structures for the next update, that'll speed things up for v0.15.1a (although that may sound like a joke already). 

  Sit tight. It's coming ;)




Don't kill yourself over a delay. Better to wait and make the game worth our time playing.