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  Hey guys! Another portion of news for you regardless v0.14 ;)

  Most of the content has been done. You can check the changelog below and see how many images and animations there are already. I expect to make 40 images more as well as a few animations. The update is really huge, our biggers update so far. It's like two updates merged in one xD

   Despite how badly I want you to play the update already, it's not going to happen that soon. We still need time to finish making content (which gonna be soon), to write dialogues, to put what's left to be put into the game and, of course, we'll need to test the build (oh boy, it's gonna be hard). So, please, be patient :(

  Expect the update to be released by the end of July.

Changelog (not final):

  • Grace's main story line continuation
  • New Grace's side activities
  • Fiona and Grace cross scene (napping guard event)
  • Grace, Fiona and Jennifer cross scene at school
  • Evelyn's massage by the pool new option for each route (and changing what's already there based on current Evelyn's main story progression)
  • Art contest expansion: now Oksana properly reacts to you if you already met her (not mentioning if you already have relationship with her)
  • New UI (you'll be able to use the computer in your room)
  • Minor improvements (amongst which is Digital Arts location properly removed)
  • 584 images, 14 animations



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