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  The next update is going to focus on Grace. We gotta update both her main story and side activities. As for the latter, there were basically none of them, so there's a lot of work to us. v0.14.1 is really going to be big. I've been working on it for a month already and despite some personal businesses, I've made quite a lot of content already (at least 40% done) - check the changelog ;)

  Also, we are trying to implement new UI - you'll be able to use computer in your room where you find not only interesting minor stuff, but useful as well (and we'll move Achievements and Gallery menus in there). We'll hardly finish everything that was planned, but, as always, we'll try our best.

  I'm not sure will we split the update or not, but I'd like to keep it as a single update after which we'll go on to another girl right away. But we'll see. If we have some ready content and need some time to finish the rest, why not release what's ready?

  Since the update will be huge, the approximate release date is the end of June / the beginning of July. In a couple of weeks I'm gonna upgrade my rig, so let's hope it'll faster things drastically :)

Changelog (not final):

  • Grace's main story line continuation
  • New Grace's side activities
  • Fiona and Grace cross scene (nap guard event)
  • Grace, Fiona and Jennifer cross scene at school
  • Evelyn's massage by the pool continuation (and changing of what's already there based on current Evelyn's main story progression)
  • 220 images, 2 animations



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