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  Hi everyone!

  I am writing you this message as a precaution. The fact is that there is a very immodest chance that our channel will sooner or later be banned, God knows for what reason. So please keep in mind that we also have a page on Subscribestar. Please don't lose us. Even after a possible ban, we will still continue to develop Photo Hunt and adult games in general.

  But what will happen to the game? Well, it's very simple. If in 3 months (which is how long, apparently, the banned page on Patreon will remain idle, after which the owner of the page will have to get rid of the “objectionable” content), we gain at least 80% of the income that we receive on Patreon, then the development of the game will not be much different from the current course. Otherwise, we will have to significantly speed up development, literally rushing through all the content, leaving only the vital things to the main story (even so, in a much smaller amount). Most likely, we will have to rework the existing content of the game (“soften the rough edges”), after which we will upload the game to itch.io and Steam. Alas, the final form of the game will feel like the latest seasons of Game of Thrones xD (best case scenario). Then, we will begin development of the next project by returning to Patreon.

  By the way, speaking of bans. One of our friends, tremmyGames, has just returned to Patreon! He's been developing games since 2016, he got banned on Patreon and now he opens a new page! You can check his new project here using the links:



Ham Givings

Yep 100% reporting this game. Its what you deserve for focusing on NTRS now

DeAnthony Potts

I will make a SS if I must. I kinda just prefer Patreon because All my subs are bundled here but I rather the game be what you envisioned and not speedrun the ending before patron do something

Archibald Liu

Hello, I like your game very much, and I hope to buy it on Steam soon. I have a small suggestion: Can you add Chinese when you release it on Steam? As far as I know, this kind of game is loved by many people here, and if there is a Chinese translation, more people will buy it. Thank you very much for your work! All the best!