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Photo Hunt v0.16.2 is available for all patrons! You can download Photo Hunt v0.16.2 HERE

Also, you can play the previous version of the game for free!


  • Skylar main story continuation

  • New Rule34 content

  • Minor improvements

  • 479 images (+21 extra scene images), 197 rerendered images (mostly Jen's art club events), 10 animations (+1 extra scene animation), 18 animations remade

Bonus features available for higher tiers:

-Walkthrough (Lvl 2 tier)

-"Easy to start” cheat code (Lvl 3 tier)

-Extra content (Lvl 4 tier)

-Gallery and achievements unlock (Lvl 5 tier)

-All images from the game (Lvl 5 tier)

Be sure to check other bonuses!

As always, thank you for your support! Right now more than ever!

And still - Fuck war! Fuck Putin!




Thanks, Moochie! 💞


Grace in 2024?

Dallas McMahan

Wow wow..just because we have a moronic idiot who can't walk up stairs as a President. Dont blame that on every U.S. citizen.

Dmitriy Zhukov

Do you know about the existence of "cause and effect" relationships? You may not be aware, but the war in Ukraine began in 2014. 8 years before the "Russian invasion". Over 8 years, the Ukrainian fascist government killed more than 20 thousand Russians. Welcome to reality. P.S. Your question reminds me of “The USSR is an aggressor! In 1944 they invaded Germany!”

Dmitriy Zhukov

But, pay attention, I didn’t write anything about Ukraine. I wrote about the war and the United States. Can I see your pacifist statements about the US invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Cameroon, Libya, Yemen? And I am only mentioning recent events.

Dmitriy Zhukov

By the way, does anyone here care about the genocide of Palestinians by Israel? Where is “Fuck Benjamin Netanyahu”?

Dmitriy Zhukov

Dallas McMahan, Dude, it wasn't Biden who supplied billions of dollars to the fascist regime in Ukraine for decades. It was not Biden who organized the coup in Ukraine. The USA is a state system that sheds blood all over the world in one way or another. It's not a complaint against you personally.


Equivalence would actually be Fuck Bush Jr. and Fuck Obama, which might be justified. But then, you also don't see the US claiming national sovereignty over the land of the countries it invaded. Putin? Not so much. Yemen? That's not even an invasion. If anything, it's pretty justified, since the Yemeni behavior there could be akin to shooting random bystanders on the road because you don't like what a neighbor down the street is doing to another neighbor.

Dmitriy Zhukov

DKafka, In the USA, there is no role for individual personality. Corporations rule over you, making a certain person a public figure - a 'president' - who has little decision-making power. In Russia, it's different. The president is a modern, elected 'king' who can lead the country to success or failure. As for war. No, dude, you have the wrong analogies. The whole reason is that you and your fellow citizens have no clue what's really going on here. All the crap your 'media' feed you is just propaganda and nothing more. It's hard for me to provide a similar example for Americans because your population structure is completely different. But here's a crude example: imagine Russia turns Mexico (or Canada) into an 'anti-USA' country, where the main state ideology is 'destroying the USA'. Russia, along with Mexico (or Canada), declares it will build its military bases there, sends its soldiers, missiles, and tanks to the US border. Meanwhile, Mexico (or Canada) will be killing Americans living there (let's imagine such a nationality exists) who oppose turning their country into an 'anti-USA'. What will the USA do? Will it spend 8 years (like Russia) trying to persuade its neighbors 'not to do this'? No. On the second day, the USA will level Mexico with the pro-Russian government. This is a very simplified description of reality.

Till Jagodzinski

Go read a book. Stupidity might not be contagious but it hurts my head. Here a defintion of Facism: Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

Till Jagodzinski

And stay on point stop this "What aboutism". Putin says he has to protect the russians in Ukraine. Yeah Hitler told the same crap when he attacked czechoslovakia he was protecting the germans there.


Take a deep breath people. Let's just agree that both systems fail the people who they claIm to serve. All I would say is you cannot see the truth if you walk around with your eyes half closed


Listen, you idiot. I am Ukrainian and have lived all my life in Ukraine, I am a witness to the fucked-up thing that happened in Donbass, where under the cover of ordinary people who were brainwashed by racist propaganda, Russian special forces came in and carried out their operations against the population and regular troops of Ukraine. You creatures, scream, we bombed Donbass for 8 years, although the city stands and, apart from the Donetsk airport area, the city was not damaged. YOU creatures leveled Mariupol in 3 months and killed, according to the most conservative estimates, 100,000 civilians there. YOU deliberately hit stores and hospitals, thereby causing mass death among civilians, on purpose!!! Every Ukrainian hates you bastards, and we will kill you all until you all wash yourself with your blood, you vile creatures!


when is this going to be on google drive because on mega im only allowed to download 5gb

Dmitriy Zhukov

Till Jagodzinski, That's right. You perfectly described what Ukraine is today. Not a single exception.

Dmitriy Zhukov

G&G, с хохлами я тут обсуждать это не собираюсь. Макнул бы я твою рожу в твое же дерьмо, но толку от этого не будет.

Dmitriy Zhukov

Tiberius, I didn't start this topic. And the developer of porn who decided to insert politics.


wow what a load of crap, I can't even begin. You are wrong on so many points. Comparing the taking of crimea with the Sovjet Union fighting against NAZI germany. Calling the Ukrainian government Nazi (not your fault that you have no idea how a democracy truly works), wow you really do bend over for Putins bullshit. And the so call constant bombarding by the Ukrain government of the Donbas city. Sigh, there is no starting where you are wrong, not that it would help. You are so far down the rabbit whole there is no comming out of it. But I am sure Putin is very happy with you being so easily to be manipulated.


Yes so that is why he is constantly hitting civilian targets and abducting children, what a great man (sarcasm, mentioning just in case :))

Till Jagodzinski

Ok you just want to troll us nobody can be this stupid. Zlesnky won in a fair and free election. Putin on the either hand either forbids the opposition from participating our outright kills the opposition. He denies the idea that there are Ukranian people all media is owned /controlled by the goverment now. But like i said you either just want to troll us or you are really stupid either way there is no point in talking to you...


stopped before 5gbs because of mega being a scam

Emily BLUNT! (get it like weed)

Don't worry I got ya dude. You actually can download more than 5gb you just have to know how to do it. I have a free account & I just downloaded the game. All you need to do is create an account and then save the game/download that it said was too large to download normally to your mega account/drive folder (in order to make sure u have enough room make sure anything else that's saved there gets moved to the rubbish been, then delete everything in the rubbish bin). Then download the mega desktop app & set that up & download it through the app (otherwise it will say it's too large to download) & you should be Golden Joben.


тварь ебаная мир тесен найдемся сука, вы сейчас чеченцам хуй сосете, а то была ваша "победа". За эту войну вы будете 100 лет отгребать мразь рашисткая translate English : You fucking creature, it’s a small world, we’ll find you, bitch, you’re now sucking the Chechens’ dick, otherwise that was your “victory.” During this war you will have to shovel away racist scum for 100 years


That may be true. We cannot hope to control everything in the world especially with fools running the show. What we can do is have an open mind seek the truth and moderate our behavior.


Amazing update! <3


Hi I am new to this game. Was just wondering if the genre are harem or if you can play it so you can get NTR'd. If so is there just 1 character or all that can get NTR'd, because I have been looking for that kind of game where you as the MC can lose them all, but they are few and far between.

Phillip Chappell

im starting over cannt comment on the update yet. do have a issue i set it to fullscreen play for a bit get out and reverts back to window


Hey my game bugs every time trish shows up I tried pushing through but I think each of her individual lines are bugged cause it's not the interaction that causes problems. If I ignore instead of rolling back her next line will bug and if I do rollback when I talk with her it bugs again.


cant the option doesnt pop up anymore my game just closes and the code opens up but im not good with code or the traceback stuff so im just stuck. its part of evelyns mian quest so i cant just put it off either.

Incubi Polyamore

Fuck Putin? Fuck Wladimir Selenskij!!


Is it v0.16.1? I remember we had that bug in it, but it should be fixed in v0.16.2 Sorry for that


Its a shame this has just become a cuck game. I think its time it gets removed from patreon


Hi. I need to get permission to stream on these sites - www.xvideos.com, xhamster.com, and that you don't mind that I will receive income and advertise your game.

Kim Kim

😑😐😒 why don't you provide reasoning so l can understand your perspective.


Hello I have been working on a Spanish translation and I would like it to be official if you could help me with the choice in the main menu of the game I would be very happy to see what I did for this great game.


Wouldn't you consider selling your game on Steam? Then add a Chinese subtitled version. Do you know it’s easy to make money from Chinese people?

