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Please choose one of the following characters you want me to draw.

The drawing will be one file (WQHD 2560 × 1440pix 350dpi) .

Please note that Jul. 30. 2019 is the deadline for this vote. (PST)

The work will be released in Aug. 2019.


From the next time on, I will create separate votes for non-seasonal anime characters and game characters.


???(WQHD 2560 × 1440pix 350dpi)????????

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Mikoto Urabe (Mysterious Girlfriend X) /?? ?? (????X)

Irina Shido (High school DxD) / ????? (??????D×D)

Delia Ketchum (Pokémon) / ????????? (???? ?????)

Aqua (Konosuba) / ???(????)


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