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Greetings, my dear Patrons! 

Finaly its here. 

I'm exhausted. This moveset - was a real nightmare. Starting from the design stage and finishing with animation polishing. It seems I got infected with perfectionism.

My irresistible fantasy became an insurmountable obstacle to the release of the moveset.

There were so many concepts in my mind that i can't compile them and choose.

I am very proud of my creation. And I hope you will like it too.

Nevertheless, I apologize to those to whom I have not responded to messages. literally had no time for this. And everyone else's for the delay.

The only thing I really fucked up hard is the timing.

The update for the nearest plans will be later. I need to rest because I really tired. 

P.S. Sekiro moveset will be ready somewhere in January.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone =)


Dagger/Sword moveset | Blade Dancer Style | SkySA | Skyrim Combat Animations

Download: https://www.patreon.com/stormbringer_



You have all the reasons to be proud of this creation, this is truly amazing


Welcome back and thank you for your hard work


Amazing work! Take your time and rest well.

Michael Yunker

What are the requirements? I don't see them listed. I have nemesis and dar


I can't seem to get the Regular attacks to work. Power attacks and additional attacks work fine though


Yea None of these animations work.


This is impressive! Works and feels amazing to play!


What's the animation for the back dodge/flip you're using in the video?


I love this!!!!


Gorgeous. :) I found this on Reddit somewhere and had to come nab it. If you ever decide to do a dual-wield variation, I'll be all over that, too. Thank you for making it!


Wow you truly went off on this! Best animation mod I think ive seen!

Michael Yunker

Love this mod I enjoy watching the movements to my character in combat. Thanks for all the time spent on working on skyrim which I know has to be a major challenge for anyone due to the games age. These mods keep me playing and enjoying the game.


Love these animations, they are absolutely the best! I have to ask tho will there be update for SkySA 2.7? They are slowed down in that version