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Welcome to our first Honest Government Ad of 2024!

We're kicking off the year with an HGA about whistleblower prosecutions because it's a topic that many of you have requested (for a long time!)

And also because war-crimes whistleblower David McBride is being sentenced in just a couple of weeks (March 12).

And also because our Attorney General has been going around lately trying to convince everyone that he's been restoring trust in government with more integrity, accountability and blahblahblah. He even went and wrote a big essay about it.

So I thought we should make an ad to provide a more well... honest assessment of where this government stands on trust, integrity and accountability. Starting with its prosection of whistleblowers like David McBride and Richard Boyle.

If you'd like to take action, sign the petition at droptheprosecutions.org.au and check out these upcoming events.

We're back in regular production now after our school-holiday break, so we'll catch you shortly with our next Honest Government Ad!

Until then - from all of us here at the Juice Media - thank you for supporting this work

Giordano & team xo


Honest Government Ad | Whistleblowers (STFU)

The Australien Government has made an ad about it’s Whistleblower Protection Laws, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. ✊ Take action: https://www.droptheprosecutions.org.au 👉 Help us keep Governments honest: 🔹 Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/thejuicemedia 🔹 Other options: https://www.thejuicemedia.com/support 👉 CREDITS 🔹 Produced by Patrons of The Juice Media 🔹 Written by Giordano for The Juice Media 🔹 Performed by Ellen Burbidge: https://www.youtube.com/ellenburbidge 🔹 Voice by Lucy 🔹 Thanks to the Human Rights Law Centre for research assistance: https://www.hrlc.org.au/democratic-freedoms 🔹 Music by AudioSteyl: https://audiojungle.net/item/uplifting-inspirational-corporate-pop/27062471 👉 SOURCES & FURTHER READING: 🔸ABC Report “Australia’s whistleblower laws are failing” https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-30/new-report-finds-australia-s-whistleblower-laws-are-failing/102796032 🔸Guardian, "Australia’s federal whistleblowing laws have not protected anyone since inception, analysis shows" https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/aug/29/australias-federal-whistleblowing-laws-have-not-protected-anyone-since-inception-analysis-shows 🔸Human Rights Law Centre, Analysis "The Cost of Courage": https://static1.squarespace.com/static/580025f66b8f5b2dabbe4291/t/6503d1018583f43502314896/1694748932300/HRL022+Whistleblower_report_FA_web.pdf 🔸Explainer of David McBride’s case: https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/the-mcbride-public-interest-defence-fiasco-shows-labor-is-also-out-to-get-the-whistleblower/ 🔸 Kieran Pender, "It’s a travesty McBride had to plead guilty, but the public want whistleblower reform" https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/11/21/mcbride-travesty-plead-guilty-public-whistleblower-reform/ 🔸Explainer of Richard Boyle's case: https://www.hrlc.org.au/whistleblowers-on-trial-richard-boyle-and-david-mcbride 🔸 Rex Patrick, "Fine print bombshell – share information which “undermines trust in government”, face jail" https://michaelwest.com.au/government-review-of-secrecy-provisions-an-assault-on-democracy/ 🔸Michael West Media, "Documents show no sign Albanese government lobbied the US to bring Julian Assange home" https://michaelwest.com.au/documents-show-no-sign-albanese-government-lobbied-the-us-to-bring-julian-assange-home/ 🔸The Australia Institute, polling showing majority of Australians want stronger protections for whistleblowers: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/580025f66b8f5b2dabbe4291/t/6450f79cb4e1983a33a4ccd8/1683027870561/HRLC_TheAusInstitute_PollingWhistleblowing.pdf 🔸Attorney General Mark Dreyfus, big essay about restoring trust in government: https://www.themonthly.com.au/issue/2024/february/mark-dreyfus/after-robodebt-restoring-trust-government-integrity-and#mtr 🔸Australian Government, Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013: https://www.legislation.gov.au/C2013A00133/latest/text 🔸Australian Government, Review of Secrecy Provisions, Final Report 2023: https://www.ag.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-11/secrecy-provisions-review-final-report.pdf 🔸Whistleblower Protection Authority https://static1.squarespace.com/static/580025f66b8f5b2dabbe4291/t/65c95048e92f341e15442d68/1707692126103/WPA+Principles.pdf 🔸FOI system broken: https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/05/29/freedom-of-information-reform-rex-patrick-senate-inquiry/ 🔸Public hearings in the NACC: https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/retired-judges-welcome-landmark-nacc-but-lament-lack-of-public-hearings 🔸Withholding documents from Parliament: https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/new-leader-same-old-secrecy-didn-t-albanese-promise-to-shine-a-light-20231123-p5em94.html


Mot Wol

(...there needs to be more transparency regarding the way the Five Eyes arrangement works and how it could be (is?) misused by partners (US?) to manipulate (coerce?) other partners to further their agenda (US Imperialism?)

Jason Orcamoon

And whatever you do, do NOT STFU!