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Dear Patrons and assorted legends

Here's the audio preview of the new Honest Government Ad that will come out shortly!

This is a classic HGA. In the sense that it takes a topic few people outside of politics would know about (and which might seem boring as shit) and explains why we should very much know and care about it (in a way that isn't boring as shit)

It's also the first two-hander HGA we've made with both Ellen and Zoë since the 2022 Election episode - and that's coz it's about the two-party system (aka Shit/Shit-Lite), and it's latest attempt to preserve it's duopoly over politics. A dynamic we see at play also in other countries.

The final report of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (whose recommendations from their interim report are cited in this HGA) will be coming out early next week, so it's very topical. Indeed the ABC reported on this topic just two days ago (worth a watch for those interested in the background to this HGA)

I hope you enjoy this preview. And as always, a reminder that some things will only make sense once you see the video. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any feedback on the audio!

Catch you soon with the video, which I'll share here as soon as it's published to YouTube!



David Baldwin

Overall excellent as always. “Awww, sweetie…” may be one of the deadliest arrows in your quiver—it so perfectly captures the spirit of entrenched, unapologetic shitfuckery. I wonder if this kind of glaring spotlight might have caused problems for Brian Kemp when he was rigging the election he was running in. I hope it helps in your elections. If I were voting I would want to know what this thing was named so I could complain about it (are the perps calling it just “an integrity reform,” or is it actually titled “Integrity Reform”? Resistance needs a clear target. Always a fan, thank you and the crew for what you do.


Thanks David! The "thing" doesn't have a name yet, as the bill has not yet been introduced to Parliament! But when it is, it'll have a name like "Amendment to the Electoral Act (Ensuring Integrity BlahBlahBlah) Bill 2023". If they have a deal, the majors have the numbers to pass this legislation right away without much debate. Which is why we've made this HGA pre-emptively, instead of waiting for them to introduce the bill. Hopefully enough people get wind of it, the deal will fall apart - or at the very least, they'll make the reforms less shit.

Alan Marel

Well done Giordano. Another brilliant video. It took us 22 years to get rid of Tony “climate change is crap” Abbott from Warringah, and now that we have a hard working, decent, honest Independent MP, who fights for climate action and integrity in Parliament, and truly represents the electorate, the big political parties are trying to make it as difficult as possible for all independents to win and hold office.