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Dear Patrons

Here's the preview of our next Honest Government Ad.

It's about the current situation in Israel and Gaza.

Yeah... a simple, uncontroversial topic for a change :-/

It's hard to say anything about this conflict without pissing off someone. But it's even harder to say nothing when thousands of civilians, including children, are being killed daily.

So I've tried to say something that focuses on one thing we should all be able to agree on right now: children and civilians need to stop being killed right now.

A reminder: this is an audio-only preview, and some things will only make sense when you can see the visuals. And for a topic like this, it's particularly important to mention this so that you know that when talking, for example, about the "massacre of civilians and children", the visuals make it clear we're refering to both Hamas and Israel.

As always, constructive feedback would be warmly welcomed. In particular, let me know if you spot any factual inaccuracies; in which case I'll do my best to correct them before we publish.

I realise this is a very sensitive subject, but please be civil if you reply to each others' comments.

I'll catch you very soon with the video



brian hopper

Rushing in where angels...etc. The 'attack all criticism' unit has the Mayor of Wollongong in the cross hairs because he dared speak on behalf of the Palestinians. Batten down the hatches Giordano...triple check your cyber security. Respect to you and the team.

David Bishton

A bold foray into shitty waters indeed! The propaganda angle is a good one because it’s everywhere. A lot of people need to zip the mouth and open their ears in this perilous time. Then they might hear the children crying and do something.