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Dear Patrons

This is the audio preview of our next Honest Government Ad.

I was working on another HGA this month, and we were almost about to film it... but then the government of South Australia decided to rush through a pretty hardcore bill last week, so we put the other script on hold and jumped onto this one.

The bill will be voted on in SA's upper house on Tuesday, so I'm pulling an all-nighter of editing here to get it out tomorrow (wish me luck).

I hope you like it. Sorry for the short notice!


ps. I've also been working on an HGA about anti-protest legislation that's been introduced around the world, including the UK and US, and various Australian States.


Sandra Kirby

Sadly all Labor governments in Australia are carbon captured as Juice Media has so splendidly revealed. Time for them to follow the Liberals into oblivion to be replaced by grassroots’ elected independents.

Sandra Kirby

As the brilliant Jon Kudelka’s cartoon said on Saturday, Any conflicts of interest to declare Sir? I can assure you my ONLY interest is money.!!!!!