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Greetings legendary Patrons of the Juice Media

There are so many Donald Trump impersonations out there: some of them great, but so few which opt to cover really important issues. So I thought I would give it a shot - Juice Media style. 

Welcome to the Trump Report - in which Donald does the News himself. (Note: This might turn out to be a new series!).  

It is an honour to once again cover the events happening at Standing Rock - one of the most inpiring (and shameful) movements in recent history. There will be films and documentaries made about it. But there's nothing like being able to experience it in the presence (history is happening).

Props to Claude Jabbour for his brilliant Trump impersonation - hopefully we'll be doing more work together.   

And now, the question I know some of you are wanting to ask: Where is RAP NEWS???

Ok so here's an update (for those of you who are interested):

I was actually planning to make a new episode of Rap News in February. I spent most of the month working on a script, feat. Stave Bannon, Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Slavoj Zizek, Milo and even Richard Spencer!

So where the hell is it!?? Well, as I am sure you've noticed, events have been moving at a dizzying speed since Trump became potus. But Rap News is not a quick production (it can take up to 3 weeks to put together an episode). And I ended up having to re-draft the script no less than 4 times, to keep up with all the unfolding events!

In the process, we simply missed our window of time in which to produce it. (My fail). You see, now that I am working with other artists I have to work around their availabilities too; and although we could have probably done it by cutting a few corners, I just didn't feel comfortable rushing it, and risking that it wouldn't be up to the level of excellence which people expect from Rap News.

Please believe me when I tell you it was one of the toughest decisions I had to make in a while :( But I feel it was the right one. and I hope you agree (nobody wants to see a crappy Rap News episode!)

So, apologies to those Patrons who are here mainly for Rap News. We will make an episode about the crazy times we live in, when the stars align again. And I hope the wait will be worth it.

<3 Giordano


Standing Rock - The Trump Report

President Trump is sick of the lying fake news media, so he's decided to do the news himself.


Will Szal

Sorry to hear you had to drop an episode, but yes, that does sound like the right decision. The Trump admin has been moving extremely fast...

Stefan "MaskinJunior" Ivarsson

Rap-News episodes stand the test of time. I regularly refer back to them when commenting on current events on social media. So better late then never...