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This is an issue that is very close to my heart; one that we've covered before in one of our Rap News episodes: Australia Day - or as Aborginal people call it: Invasion Day.

(Friends in America/Europe: if you support Native American or Palestinian rights - then just substitute Australia Day for Columbus Day, or the Nakba, respectively).

It's not one for the faint hearted, I admit. But I feel this video captures the essence of what's so messed up about Australia Day (and Columbus Day and Yom ha'atzmaut): it celebrates another peoples' tragedy: their Holocaust, their Catastrophe. And there's no fluffy, light-hearted of conveying that.

As you can see I decided to experiment with something different this time. Rather than making an Honest Govt Ad, I went down the parody path:

Remember the old classic anti piracy video that used to play at the start of all rented DVDs? If you're were born after the mid-90s, or you don't live in Australia or the UK, you might now know it. So here's the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmZm8vNHBSU

I hope you like my take on it!


I've started working on a new Rap News episode. I've booked in Mantra and Class A for early February so, provided things go according to plan, I hope that the wait for a new Rap News instalment is almost over.

There's no shortage of topics to cover! But if you would like to make some suggestions below, I'd welcome them.  

Making a Rap News episode is a massive operation, so I am grateful for your patience. Most of all I am grateful for all the support you have given for all my other videos since the last Rap News episode. It is awesome that I can have other outlets for my creativity and ideas - and I'm thankful that you've given me that freedom.

<3 Giordano

PS: This is the first time i've managed to produce two videos in a month - the quota I've been aiming for. (It's a bid deal for me!) Remember: you can cap your pledge to a certain amount per month so even if I were to make 20 videos in a month (as if), you won't go over your set limit.  :)

PPS: Here's the Youtube URL for those who prefer to view the video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UytdM-x3cv4


The Juice Media - AUSTRALIA DAY "You wouldn't celebrate... | Facebook

AUSTRALIA DAY "You wouldn't celebrate September 11..." #ChangeTheDate ☛ Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheJuiceMedia



Hi Giordano, I would love to see a rap news about the cashless society. Seems that biometrics and NFC chips are slowly replacing our fiat currency which has replaced our gold back currencies. Look at India as a guinea pig for how a cashless society can be introduced. Would be interesting to see your take on the whole shebang. eg. <a href="https://singularityhub.com/2017/01/26/india-is-building-the-infrastructure-for-a-truly-digital-economy/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://singularityhub.com/2017/01/26/india-is-building-the-infrastructure-for-a-truly-digital-economy/</a>


Hi Ben. Thank you for making a suggestion :) That's a really interesting issue and one that I've been meaning to cover for a while. A couple years back we even drafted a whole episode of Rap News about Bitcoin - feat a cameo by Satoshi (who decided to reveal himself to the world via Rap News). But then some dude by the name of Edward Snowden made headlines and we had to put it on the shelf. Where it still sits. Thanks for the reminder :)

Marco Marino

Dunno if you saw it a couple years ago in the UK, but the IT crowd made a funny parody on this as well: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeFA0QGc_Vk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeFA0QGc_Vk</a>