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Dear Patrons

Every now and then it takes me a little longer than usual to make an Honest Government Ad and I end up publishing it slightly later than the end of the month...

And well... this is one of those months. Apologies.

I know that most of you value the quality and accuracy of our the Honest Government Ads over and above meeting a monthly deadline. But nevertheless, I do work hard to stick to our monthly schedule. Plus I figured you'd appreciate being kept in the loop about some of the production challenges we have here!

Basically, the last HGA on Brazil took us a full month to make coz it required extra research and learning on my part + conversations with Sabrina + the time to record her vocals remotely... (And by the way - in case you missed it: Brazil's election results came out yesterday - and Bolsonaro is out! Which is an incredibly important result for Brazil and the whole world!)

So I had a bit of a late start for our October HGA. And in turn, this latest HGA also required extra time to research due to the complexity of the topic and several conversations I needed to have with experts in order to do it justice.

So in a nutshell: I've been working on more complex topics which require a bit more time. But I hope the extra couple of days' wait is worth it.

So the next HGA will drop a few days into the month of November - it should be up by the weekend - and when it's ready I'll share it here with all of you.

In the meantime - to make up for the slight delay - I'm sharing the audio preview for this new HGA with all of our Patrons - not just those in our Previews Club. That way everyone gets at least something from us this month!

As you can see... - or hear, to be precise - this is our first Aussie-focused HGA since the election. (Thanks for your patience, Aussie Patrons!)

As we learn more and more about our new federal Government, I thought we should take the opportunity to look at shitfuckery happening at the state level. And given that WA's Government is pushing to open the most polluting project in Australia - the Burrup Hub - I thought we should start there.

It's also a case-study on State Capture - since the WA Government is very cosy with fossil-fuel companies - especially it's BFF: Woodside Energy.

Also, Lucy is from Perth. And I lived there when I was a uni student. So this feels like a good place to kick-off our Season 3 coverage of Australian climate-shitfuckery.

I hope you like it.

If you have any good suggestions for the Authorised By message at the end, stick it in a comment below!

Catch you very soon with the video.




David Baldwin

I honestly think that the powers that be cannot withstand this relentless onslaught of fierce irony and deadly accuracy. If there is a sharper, more effective tool for exposing the diabolical machinations of power, I don’t know what it is. I have no doubt that the phrase “Approximately…fuck all” will echo in the halls of resistance forever. Thank you so much.

Kelda Kellie

there were two pods I listened on this day, She Is Legend who spoke of forgivable passes because they haven't caused so much harm they aren't cancelled. Then I listening Chats 10 Looks 3 and now in a proper existential crisis. https://www.chat10looks3.com/podcast/ep194 You won't need to listen too long to hear it.


You're welcome, David! I like to think it helps - how much exactly, I don't think we'll ever know! Thanks for your support :) G