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Here is the preview for our latest Honest Government Ad.

This is our very first South American HGA, and it's dedicated to a government that has proven to be a true leader in Shitfuckery, up there with the likes of Scott Morrison's - Bolsonaro's Brazil.

There is of course a reason for why I chose this topic now:

Brazil has an election coming up very soon - in October - and it's probably one of the most important elections of this decade, given that it will not only affect Brazilians, but also the fate of the Amazon rainforest - which of course is critical to the well being of the planet. The Amazon has just passed a tipping point (one of a number of tipping points humanity is about to trigger), and there's bugger-all chance it will survive another term of a Bolsonaro government. So I figured an HGA was in order!

I'm proud to have collaborated on this HGA with a local Brazilian - Sabrina Fernandes - a badass academic, activist, writer and YouTuber.

Sabrina and I co-wrote this HGA and I'm stoked that she also accepted my invitation to do the voice-over. Which I love; as it feels like genuine collaboration with a local from the country whose government we're impersonating.

I'm also really enjoying experiment with the HGA format - mixing things up a bit, branching out, focusing on other governments and drawing the shitfuckery connections between them - all while we observe the shifting political landscape here in Australia.

Speaking of Australia, fear not - the next HGA will bring us back home after our little world tour!

I'll be back soon with the video. In the meantime, check out this preview, and let me know if you have any feedback while I finish the editing!

Thank you as always for supporting our work.




Jim Williams

I posted the full version via Facebook to my cousin Fernando Neisser in Brazil. Hope you are making a Brazilian version.