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Dear Juicy Patrons

I hope this finds you and your families well. There's been a lot of illness going round, so hopefully you're one of the lucky ones.

I also hope you enjoyed our Season 3 launch - a little video we made in June as we took time out to celebrate the election outcome by not thinking too much about politics for a short while, spending time with the kids, and fixing up the Juice Media studio (which has literally been hanging on by a thread during the election season).

I've also been cleaning out old stuff to make room for the new.

Which is clearly a metaphor for how things feel today, the first sitting day of Parliament for the new Australian Government. (How good is Scott Morrison not being prime minister anymore?!)

But I'm not just here to say hello. I'm also here to share the preview for our next Honest Government Ad!

Yup, the first one for Season 3, which - if things go to plan - will run until 2025! (Buckle up, it's going to be a wild ride)

And to kick off, I wanted to keep our promise to our many friends in the USA to cover events on their side of the world. (I was also planning to make an HGA for all our UK friends, but then the sentient ham Boris Johnson got kicked out, so I decided to hold off for a bit and see what happens next. We'll get there!)

As mentioned, I hope to make more international HGAs. But don't worry Aussie Patrons, our domestic Honest Government Ads will be back soon and will always be the focus of this series.

I'm actually really eager to cover this historic new chapter of Australian politics. But I'm not going to rush to just jump in. I first want to see what happens: as mentioned, Parliament is only resuming this week. So we'll be watching to see how the new Labor government conducts itself, especially in its negotiations over climate legislation with the Senate crossbench, which holds the balance of power in the upper house.

I am not here to be a partisan hack: if Labor conducts itself well, according to the science, as well as in response to its political pressures and mandates, great. If they don't, we'll be there to help them out :)

But for now, let's take a look at the shitshow brewing in the USA. As I'm sure you've heard the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) made some incredible rulings in June. But that's just the entree: on the docket for the next term (which starts in October) there is some massive shitfuckery on the way as SCOTUS has agreed to hear the case of Moore v Harper, which will rule on the theory of Independent State Legislature.

If you've never heard of Independent State Legislature Theory, don't worry - most people haven't. That's why I'm dedicating this HGA to this topic.

(Truth be told, I'm still super pissed at SCOTUS for stealing the 2000 election for Bush - a decision that altered the course of history especially on climate policy. Which might explain why I care about this so much. Coz if SCOTUS embraces the doctrine of Independent State Legislature in 2023 (and there's good chances at least 4 Justices will), it could well determine the outcome of the 2024 presidential election, too).

Alright! I hope that gives you a sense of what's been happening here at the Juice Media, and what's coming up next!

I'll catch you tomorrow when we publish the video.

Until then, take care


PS. I'm making this preview available to all our Patrons to thank you for supporting us in Season 3 (the next ones will be available to Patrons pledging A$3.50/month and above!)

PPS. As always, a reminder that this is just an audio preview and that some things will only make sense when you see the video! :)




PS: Congratulations on your marvelous election outcome! Good on you!!

David D.

@John Simpson There are two parts to the 2nd amendment. The first part is about a well regulated militia. The second part very clearly states: “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”. We’re the people right? Without a belief in this amendment the US wouldn’t exist. Not sure why there is any confusion on this. It was crystal clear until the 30s. It says the right to own and carry firearms shall not be infringed. I of course appreciate your opinion.

Len Cooke

That's kind a weird though, don't you think? Relying on a 1930s amendment to an original amendment (which means it wasn't actually in the constitution in the first place), that allows access to military grade weapons. This is used by many to excuse the murder/murderers of children at the places they should fell safest. Schools, churches, malls, movie theatres, concerts, etc. You can talk all day about your right to carry; I will just post photos of children that have been sacrificed to an American obsession for big guns that have no place in civil society. There is an old saying: "If you aren't part of the solution, then you are part of the problem." Like you say, just my opinion, I hope you can appreciate it.