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Dear Patrons

Here's the latest Honest Government Ad produced thanks to your awesome support.

We've been focusing a lot on the USA lately, but I wanted to take a moment to shine some light on what's happening back home in Australia.

There's been so much shitfuckery happening here it's hard to keep track of it all, which is why I thought we should make an HGA that sums up some of the key policies our Government is pushing through under the guise of dealing with the recession, namely: cuts to Jobseeker/Jobkeeper (ie. support for workers and unemployed during the pandemic); tax cuts for the rich; cuts to our Environmental Protection Act, the so-called "Gas-Led Recovery", and while we're at it, I thought this would be a good opportunity to rip into the Libs' "We're good at managing the economy" bullshit meme.

Coz not only are these policies not evidence-based or supported by the majority of economists and scientists, they are also a tragic waste of this opportunity to tackle the climate emergency. And the final kick in the nuts: They won't even help the economy. It’s a massive fuck-you to everyone other than the LNP's donors (gas companies) and the dodgy prick on whose land Scott wants to build a gas plant. Hence why I thought we should call this episode “The Biggest Cuts”.

(As you can probably tell, I'm actually really angry about all this.)

Thank god for comedy and satire which at least provided a way to express this and maintain some sort of sanity. (I hope you get the same out of it, too)

I'll be back next week with the podcast companion for this episide - I have the perfect guest lined up for it! And the PG version will up by the weekend - please check our Teachers page.   

Oh, and a quick announcement to mark a little milestone: this is our 50th Honest Government Ad! We've come a long way since our first HGA, and every single step has been thanks to people like you who believed in us. Our deepest thanks to each one of you.

<3 Giordano & team

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Honest Government Ad | The Recession

The Australien Government has made an ad about the recession, its cuts to Jobseeker/Jobkeeper, tax cuts for the rich, cuts to the Environment Act; and the 'Gas-led Recovery' - and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. 👉 Ways you can support us to keep making videos: 🔹 Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/TheJuiceMedia 🔹 Tip us on PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/thejuicemedia 🔹 Support us in other ways: https://www.thejuicemedia.com/support 👉 SOURCES: 🔹 For the figures about the tax cuts, see The Australia Institute's report, "Early Tax Cuts As Stimulus": https://www.tai.org.au/sites/default/files/P961%20Early%20tax%20cuts%20as%20stimulus%20-%20FINAL.pdf 🔹 For the figures re jobs created by the "Gas-led Recovery", see The Australia Institute's report, "Gas Fired Backfire": https://www.tai.org.au/sites/default/files/P908%20Gas-fired%20backfire%20%5Bweb%5D.pdf 🔹 For more info about the dodgy Liberal donor on whose land the Government wants to build a gas plant, see: https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/story/6928235/delighted-hunters-big-hitters-welcome-pms-gas-plan/ 👉 CREDITS 🔹 Produced by Patrons of The Juice Media 🔹 Written by Giordano for The Juice Media 🔹 Performed by Zoë Amanda Wilson x Voice by Lucy 🔹 Script assistance by Dbot, Damian, Matt, Adso, Scott & Simon 🔹 Research assistance by Rebecca Clarke, Richie, Matt & Rod 🔹 Thanks to Robbie, Rina and the Lays for babysitting help! 🔹 Music by Pinrecords: https://audiojungle.net/item/acoustic-motivational/26704072 🔹 Outro beat by Mozart x Eric Parsons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6JBBuNy8Oo 👉 PODCAST: https://www.thejuicemedia.com/podcast 👉 PG VERSIONS: https://www.thejuicemedia.com/teachers 👉 STORE: https://shop.thejuicemedia.com