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Dear Patrons,  

A new Honest Government Ad will be coming out soon, but in the meantime I have a big announcement - we've launched a Juice Media podcast!

At the start of the year I said that once we reached our next Patreon funding milestone, I'd launch a podcast so we could get into more depth about the topic of each Honest Government Ad.

I was sure it would take ages to reach that milestone. But as it turns out, we reached it in May - such has been the increase in support we've had on our Patreon since the start of the year. Thank you!

So now, you'll get even more value for your monthly pledge :)

It's perfect timing, coz as you know we're about to launch into Season 2 - and what better way to kick off the next chapter of the Honest Government Ads than by launching a podcast companion to the series?!

I'm hoping to drop a new episode of the podcast in between each Honest Government Ad, so that I can share more info about the topic of the latest video, answer questions and comments, interview the occasional guest, and other things along the way.  

It will be challenging initially, but I hope to get into the new rhythm eventually. So please be patient as I try to learn the ropes (this is my first podcast ever!) and if you have any feedback please don't hesitate to let me know.   Huge thanks to all the people who have already given me feedback and guidance - including two of our Patrons: Drew and Mikael!  

I've uploaded the full episode to Patreon so you can easily get a feel for it. Or you can access it directly via this link: https://thejuicemedia.simplecast.com/episodes/the-juice-media-podcast-introduction  

If you dig it, you can subscribe to the podcast using your podcast app of choice (we're on Apple, Spotify, GooglePlay, RSS - and it's called: The Juice Media Podcast) so that you'll receive new episodes as soon they come out.

And if you're not an app user, you can also access the podcast via our website: https://www.thejuicemedia.com/podcast  

I hope you enjoy the Juice Media Podcast!

A huge group hug to all of you, Patrons of the Juice Media, for making it possible to expand this project and continue to make important information and analysis freely available to everyone.

Giordano & fam xo



H-C Halls

It's great Giordano, the Podcast media is a very powerful tool when serious research is carried out, and I look forward to future podcasts. I agree with Trisha y Roberts, the general Australian public knows so little about the duplicitous role our military and government-driven media has played covering up for the clandestine killing operations carried out both here (invasion, kidnapping of children - genocide) and in overseas countries (Indonesia, East Timor, Vietnam, Cambodia, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria). Our war-efforts are indeed directly and indirectly responsible for the huge refugee crisis, but we donnot see this! Most Australians are educated to think that 'OTHER' countries are involved in wars in the Middle East and South-East Asia. Australian MSM and government state schools generally avoid letting the population know the truth. Being a lapdog and aiding US hegemony and the UK which are guilty of starting wars directly and by proxy all over the world, Australia can never be a country we can be proud of. We are a country that practices bloodletting on a global scale, and until Australians come to terms with this reality, we will never become a mature, independent nation with enough courage to turn our backs on the US and UK warmongers

Richard Hagen

Hi! This is another great video, but I think it's a bit long. P.S. I've only just noticed the scare quotes around "Genuine Satire" today. I am a duffer.


You're not wrong Richard. I've actually shaved off a couple of bits to tighten it up :)