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Dear Patrons - here's an audio preview of our next Honest Government Ad!

It's called Visit Timor-Leste - but really it's more about Australia and Australia's foreign policy towards our poorer neighbours in the region.

I'm really excited about this one; I love the "Visit" HGAs, even if they are much harder to write - and this one was especially so because damn, it's such a crazy convoluted story. In fact unless you're already familiar with the issues mentioned, you might struggle to follow the audio without the visuals - but don't worry, it will all be clearer in the final video!

Anyway, enough rambling... I need to get back to editing so I can drop this HGA on Monday morning - which is also the day of the next hearing of Witness K's trial. (Coincidence??!)

As always, your feedback is greatly valued - you're the first peeps to hear my vids before they're released into the wild!

Have a great weekend and catch you on Monday / in the comments


nb. as always a reminder that you're not being charged extra for these previews, they are part of your rewards if you're supporting us with $3/month or more :)
