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Dear Patrons, 

We don't normally weigh in on local elections, but two things made me want to cover the Batman by-election that's taking place on March 17:

1. One of the central issues of this election is the fate of the Adani coal mine - the largest planned coal mine in the world. So although it's a very local election, the consequences have far-reaching implications for all of us, and our children - no matter where you are.

2. We actually live in the electorate of Batman (for our non-Aussie viewers, that's an electorate of Melbourne - not Gotham) and we just had to make a video about this, since it strikes so close to home.

I strongly believe we can no longer afford to sit by and watch new coal mines being built. That's what compelled me to make this video.

I am also aware that by its very nature and timing this video is explicitly political. That's why I decided not to include any Patreon links or even Producer credits; to avoid anyone here feeling they've been associated with a video whose political position they might not necessarily share.

That seemed like the right thing to do. But maybe I'm just being overly cautious... (Let me know in the comments!)

I also included a (genuine) authorisation message at the end, to make it clear that this video was not paid for by some political party or other organisation. And this really *was* necessary, since it's a requirement under the Australian Electoral Act.

I'm still planning to make a Patron-supported video in March, so we'll be back soon with more Juice.  

Meanwhile, let me know if you like this new format we've experimented with - Honest Election Ads. If you dig it, we might do more of them going forward! If not, we probably won't!

Giordano & team


Honest Election Ad | Batman

Mining giant Adani has made an ad about the Batman by-election on March 17, and it's surprisingly honest and informative. Written and created by Giordano Performed by Matylda x voice by Lucy Music by DistantNemesis: https://audiojungle.net/item/innovate/18517673?_ga=2.259607247.434543260.1520842627-1849231437.1511067911


Sallita Morales

Haha. Hilarious. And deadly serious at the same time. Did she say quinoa queefing? Lmao 😂

Pete De Mol

The thing with a 'don't vote labor campaign is that it doesn't really say who is safe to vote for if you are a person who actually cares about the issue. Problem with Aus politics right now is that the other available options are generally not much better.


Good point Pete. I didn't want to make a video telling people how to vote though, so I took this alternative path! (It was a bit of an experiment, hence why I didn't make it an official Patron-supported post)