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On December 16, Payoneer ceases to provide its services for Russia, which means that there will no longer be an option for my Patreon to withdraw money.

At the moment, I don’t know what I will do, but I’ll say one thing for sure, my Patreon will be alive for two months.

Perhaps I will find some kind of intermediary, but this is not a fact, if everything goes badly, then I will have to move from Patreon to Boosty completely

I will keep you posted on the change.

UPD 1: According to some information, perhaps this termination of service is due to the fact that their intermediary bank closed in Russia, while this is all I found out, but this is not official information, however, indeed, all transfers from Payoneer were made by this bank, and it really is closing . I can only hope that the Russian community of artists will come up with something or that Payoneer will find a new intermediary (which is unlikely to happen)

UPD 2: Let me remind you that Patreon only allows withdrawals to two platforms. Payoneer and Paypal

I used PayPal before the start of the war, after the start of the war, PayPal refused to work in Russia, only Payoneer remained, which I started using for almost a year. However, today all Russian artists received a message that he will also stop working with Russia on December 16th.

(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Important to read! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

One thing I can say for sure. If you want to keep supporting me then you can't worry too much about it, you can do it at Boosty (PayPal works there and you can buy a subscription with PayPal or take a commission with PayPal, I've been doing this for a year now)

Basically, this problem with Payoneer concerns only me, because there is a problem that not all people use Boosty yet, but in the future, perhaps more people will get themselves a boosti, since there are a lot of talented artists in Russia and they are also concerned about these blocking

You can still support here during these two months, but if we Russian artists don't figure out what to do with Patreon, you will have to start supporting me on Boosty

UPD 3: If you are interested in my Boosty here is my link
Do not rush to subscribe there yet, wait until December and after that I will give the final verdict to my Patreon, and then I will tell you whether it is worth subscribing to Boosty. (Although if you want to subscribe there as a bonus, I do not mind :D)

Don't worry, for your convenience, I will describe to you all the steps on how to use this service when needed.

All my arts are already there, I used it so that my Russian subscribers who lost the opportunity to pay for Patreon could support me there.



paypal too?


PayPal stopped working in Russia since the beginning of the war. For this reason, I can not receive money on my PayPal account, in fact it is blocked. However, I can still get paid through paypal using Boosty, I accept money for commissions so often, however this trick will not work with Patreon


I think PayPal already stopped all business in Russia. I might be wrong


Yes, it is, since the beginning of the war he has not been working in Russia (except for paying Boosty, as I said above)


is this boosty.to?


puuh ... for a second I was concerned really ;)