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Hi guys! I have a question, do you need an exclusive Mega Archive where you will also get early access to animations? I was told that it would be easier for people to watch the animation, and not download it from Patreon. What do you think?

Basically I would prefer to only show animations there, I don't know about pictures. Please note that everything that will be located there - it will be temporary and what will become public after that will be transferred to the public archive, which I will also show you

Also note that the link to the exclusive Mega Archive will be updated every month!



Добавляй в архив не сразу, а в конце месяца


Ну, добавляй в архив на меге все арты/анимации в конце месяца и делай пост с ссылкой на архив. Так ты сможешь постить анимации как раньше и плюс будет бонус в виде архива, но в конце месяца