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I am currently discussing sound for animation with Munt, and we are wondering if it is necessary to add male moans to the animation? The fact is that we are not going to make them loud, not very prominent and quiet, but we both know that there are people who hate a man's moans and think that they spoil the animation, even if they are very quiet, what do you say are you about this? I have a sound example.
(Not my work)

Do you need a man's moans?


Thundergoat421 _

Yes, especially if they are going to be softer and not as prominent. It make it more real, the man more being a living dildo for the woman. People are just too picky, if they want straight porn they gotta accept the man is enjoying his partner as well!


I've voted yes but I also want to clarify. Do you NEED to have a man's moan: no. You don't need it, but it helps and adds more to it. Like Thundergoat says, men enjoy sex as well and unless they are just there to serve as fleshtoys then their pleasure is as important. However they don't have to always be loud, but neither does the women. Some people are screamers, some are not, same with moaning. Diversity is key. Besides there are other sounds that can be used than hust moaning. Grunting, sighing, heavier breathing etc.