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Attention! Attention! Incoming demo scene! Play it for free. 

I'm going to paste the contents of the changelog, because I think it does a good job explaining:

Lysandra, the bat girl, was added in this minor release. She's a little scary, but in a good way. Zenwick, a new contributor, wrote the scene while I acted as editor. Let me know what you think so I can pass the feedback on to him. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did!
Oh, and it's worth mentioning that part two of this character is already written, I just haven't ported it into the game yet. It'll be out soon!
SPOILER: This free scene can be found in the demo, randomly popping up when you sleep. If you can't find her, it means you need to play more of Amy's storyline.

Before I release part two of this scene, I plan to complete the chipmunk girl one first. Honestly, I think switching to work on Lysandra will actually help me get the chipmunk girl scene out faster than if I tried to complete it from start to finish. 

It was getting to the point where I was so familiar with my own writing, I couldn't see the forest through the trees. In an attempt to achieve perfection (an impossible/terrible goal), I would work on the same prose for hours, replacing a phrase, coming up with a better one, then a better one, then a better one, only to return to the original version, having realized it was fine all along. Talk about spinning your wheels.

Editing this Lysandra scene was like a little vacation. Now, I can return to the chipmunk girl scene with fresh eyes, and hopefully a fresh attitude of, "Perfect is the enemy of good."

I hope you're all doing wonderful. Enjoy the new scene!



Dangit. I just marathoned all the content except Eva scene 12! I think. (Also, Is the Amy/Sophie convo written yet?)

AcademyOfFetishes (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-17 01:02:18 SPOILERS: > Is the Amy/Sophie convo written yet? Are you talking about after she sleeps over? That part has not been written yet.
2022-07-06 08:38:11 SPOILERS: > Is the Amy/Sophie convo written yet? Are you talking about after she sleeps over? That part has not been written yet.

SPOILERS: > Is the Amy/Sophie convo written yet? Are you talking about after she sleeps over? That part has not been written yet.


That was the one. *nods* Also, how do you get Eva Scene 12?


Lost all my saves but that’s okay. It was good enough to just play again. Quick question, when you enter the access code it says there’s cheats you can turn on, how would I do this?


I'm sorry to hear that :( Are you playing on mobile? Sometimes that happens, and according to my game engine developer, there's nothing I can do about it. You can export your saves into your phone's file system so this doesn't happen in the future. As for the cheats, you can access that information here: https://link.monstergirlfarmer.com/cheats I plan to make this functionality integrated into the game in the future. Enjoy!